Package: EIEvent 0.6-2

EIEvent: Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine

Extracts observables from a sequence of events. Uses a prolog-like rule language to do the extraction, written in JSON.

Authors:Russell Almond

EIEvent.pdf |EIEvent.html
EIEvent/json (API)

# Install 'EIEvent' in R:
install.packages('EIEvent', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




2.00 score 2 scripts 138 exports 15 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:8d302ed751. Checks:1 OK, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 02 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGMar 02 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGMar 02 2025



Installing EIEvent

Rendered fromInstallation.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 02 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-11
Started: 2023-06-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Evidence Identification Event Processing EngineEIEvent-package EIEvent
Finds context sets to which a given context belongs.applicableContexts belongsTo belongsTo,ANY-method belongsTo,Context-method belongsTo<- belongsTo<-,Context-method
More flexible constructor for creating difftime objects.asif.difftime is.difftime
These functions build messages for Trigger Rules.!send !send1 !send2 buildMessages
Checks to see if a condition in a EIEvent Rule is true.checkCondition
Accessor functions for context,Context-method cid cid,Context-method number number,Context-method number<- number<-,Context-method
Conditional query operators for Rules.?all ?and ?any ?eq ?exists ?gt ?gte ?in ?isna ?isnull ?lt ?lte ?ne ?nin ?not ?or ?regexp ?where Conditions
Constructor for the Context objectas.jlist,Context,list-method Context parseContext show,Context-method
Class '"Context"'Context-class toString,Context-method
Class '"ContextSet"'ContextSet-class newContextSet
Meta-data accessors for Rules and Contexts.doc doc,Context-method doc,Rule-method name name,Context-method name,Rule-method
Construct an Engine and Load the Rules.doLoad
Runs the EIEvent engine using the supplied configuration.doRunrun
Creator for the EIEngine class.EIEngine
Class '"EIEngine"'app,EIEngine-method EIEngine-class notifyListeners,EIEngine-method
Class '"EITest"'doc,EITest-method EITest-class event,EITest-method final,EITest-method initial,EITest-method name,EITest-method show,EITest-method toString,EITest-method
Event object constructoras.jlist,Event,list-method Event parseEvent
Class '"Event"'all.equal.Event Event-class show,Event-method toString,Event-method
Executes the predicate of an EIEvent Rule.executePredicate
Accessor functions for context,Status-method flag flag,Status-method flag<- flag<-,Status-method obs obs,Status-method obs<- obs<-,Status-method timestamp,Status-method
Gets a field from an object in Javascript notation.getJS getJSfield
Does the processing for a new event.handleEvent processEvent
Loads a set of contexts from a matrix descriptionloadContexts
Functions for loading rules into database.loadRulesFromList testAndLoad
Runs the 'EIEngine' as a server.mainLoop
Find or replace contexts in a context setclearContexts clearContexts,ContextSet-method clearContexts,list-method matchContext matchContext,character,ContextSet-method matchContext,character,list-method matchContext,numeric,ContextSet-method matchContext,numeric,list-method updateContext updateContext,Context,ContextSet-method updateContext,Context,list-method
Functions that modify state when rule is triggered.!addToSet !decr !div !incr !max !min !mult !pop !pullFromSet !push !reset !set !setCall !setKeyValue !start !unset modify Predicates
Accessor Functions for RuleTest objects.event final initial queryResult rule
Removes a field from a state object.removeJS removeJSfield
Constructor for EIEvent Rule Objectsas.jlist,Rule,list-method parseRule Rule
Class '"Rule"'all.equal.Rule app,Rule-method Rule-class show,Rule-method toString,Rule-method
Class '"RuleTable"'RuleTable-class
Constructor for EITest or Rule,EITest,list-method as.jlist,RuleTest,list-method EITest parseEITest parseRuleTest RuleTest
Class '"RuleTest"'queryResult,RuleTest-method rule,RuleTest-method RuleTest-class toString,RuleTest-method
Accessors for Rule objects.condition condition,Rule-method predicate predicate,Rule-method priority priority,Rule-method ruleType ruleType,Rule-method
Runs a specific rule in a particular application.runRule runTRule
Runs all of the appropriate rules of the given type.runContextRules runObservableRules runResetRules runStatusRules runTriggerRules
Runs a test case with a given set of rulesrunTest
Sets a field in a status object in Javascript notation.setJS setJSfield
Manipulates a Timer inside of a StatussetTimer setTimer,Status,character-method timer timer<- timerRunning timerRunning,Status,character-method timerRunning<- timerRunning<-,Status,character-method timerTime timerTime,Status,character-method timerTime<- timerTime<-,Status,character-method
Functions for manipulating timer objects.isRunning isRunning,Timer-method pause pause,Timer,POSIXt-method reset reset,Timer-method resume resume,Timer,POSIXt-method start start,Timer,POSIXt-method timeSoFar timeSoFar,Timer,POSIXt-method timeSoFar<- timeSoFar<-,Timer,POSIXt-method totalTime totalTime,Timer-method
Status (state) object constructoras.jlist,Status,list-method parseStatus Status
Class '"Status"'all.equal.Status setTimer,Status-method Status-class timer,Status-method timer<-,Status-method timerRunning,Status-method timerRunning<-,Status-method timerTime,Status-method timerTime<-,Status-method
Functions for testing rule queries.testPredicate testPredicateScript testQuery testQueryScript testRule testRuleScript
Class '"TestSet"'TestSet-class
Constructor for Timer,Timer,list-method parseTimer Timer
Class '"Timer"'Timer-class timeSoFar<-,Timer,POSIXt,difftime-method timeSoFar<-,Timer,POSIXt,numeric-method
Class '"UserRecordSet"'UserRecordSet UserRecordSet-class
Accessor for verb and object field of events and rules.context context,Event-method context,Rule-method context,Status-method context<- context<-,Status-method object object,Event-method object,Rule-method oldContext oldContext,Status-method verb verb,Event-method verb,Rule-method