Package 'EIEvent'

Title: Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine
Description: Extracts observables from a sequence of events. Uses a prolog-like rule language to do the extraction, written in JSON.
Authors: Russell Almond
Maintainer: Russell Almond <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 0.6-2
Built: 2024-10-03 06:16:07 UTC

Help Index

Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine


Extracts observables from a sequence of events. Uses a prolog-like rule language to do the extraction, written in JSON.



Package: EIEvent
Version: 0.6-2
Date: 2022/07/06
Title: Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine
Authors@R: person(given = "Russell", family = "Almond", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8876-9337"))
Author: Russell Almond
Maintainer: Russell Almond <[email protected]>
Depends: R (>= 3.0), methods, utils, Proc4 (>= 0.4), mongo
Imports: jsonlite, mongolite, futile.logger, R.utils
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, tidyr
Description: Extracts observables from a sequence of events. Uses a prolog-like rule language to do the extraction, written in JSON.
License: Artistic-2.0
Collate: AAGenerics.R Contexts.R Events.R Status.R Condition.R Predicates.R RuleTables.R testRules.R EIEngine.R Runners.R
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 8d302ed7510c5ff280033253b881efdbdb20987e

Index of help topics:

Conditions              Conditional query operators for Rules.
Context                 Constructor for the Context object
Context-class           Class '"Context"'
ContextSet-class        Class '"ContextSet"'
EIEngine                Creator for the EIEngine class.
EIEngine-class          Class '"EIEngine"'
EIEvent-package         Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine
EITest-class            Class '"EITest"'
Event                   Event object constructor
Event-class             Class '"Event"'
Predicates              Functions that modify state when rule is
Rule                    Constructor for EIEvent Rule Objects
Rule-class              Class '"Rule"'
RuleTable-class         Class '"RuleTable"'
RuleTest                Constructor for EITest or Rule Test.
RuleTest-class          Class '"RuleTest"'
Status                  Status (state) object constructor
Status-class            Class '"Status"'
TestSet-class           Class '"TestSet"'
Timer                   Constructor for Timer objects.
Timer-class             Class '"Timer"'
UserRecordSet-class     Class '"UserRecordSet"'
applicableContexts      Finds context sets to which a given context
asif.difftime           More flexible constructor for creating difftime
buildMessages           These functions build messages for Trigger
checkCondition          Checks to see if a condition in a EIEvent Rule
                        is true.
cid                     Accessor functions for context objects.
doLoad                  Construct an Engine and Load the Rules.
doRunrun                Runs the EIEvent engine using the supplied
doc                     Meta-data accessors for Rules and Contexts.
executePredicate        Executes the predicate of an EIEvent Rule.
flag                    Accessor functions for context objects.
getJS                   Gets a field from an object in Javascript
handleEvent             Does the processing for a new event.
loadContexts            Loads a set of contexts from a matrix
loadRulesFromList       Functions for loading rules into database.
mainLoop                Runs the 'EIEngine' as a server.
matchContext            Find or replace contexts in a context set
queryResult             Accessor Functions for RuleTest objects.
removeJS                Removes a field from a state object.
ruleType                Accessors for Rule objects.
runRule                 Runs a specific rule in a particular
runStatusRules          Runs all of the appropriate rules of the given
runTest                 Runs a test case with a given set of rules
setJS                   Sets a field in a status object in Javascript
setTimer                Manipulates a Timer inside of a Status
start                   Functions for manipulating timer objects.
testRule                Functions for testing rule queries.
verb                    Accessor for verb and object field of events
                        and rules.

The package runs a EIEngine which is a server process for processing events according the the EI-Event rules stored in a database.


The “quick start” document describes most of the configuration steps. The directory file.path(help(library="EIEvent")$Path,"conf") contains a number of files to assist with configuration.

The process assumes that Mongo ( is installed on the system (or that it is available via a network). The files setupMongo.js and setupUsers.js (in the conf directory) are to be run in the mongo shell. In particular, the setupMongo.js sets up the indexes. Running these scripts is option, but recommended. See also the configuration instructions in the Proc4 package.

It is also strongly recommended to set up a directory for configuration scripts for the packages in the Proc4 family. The recommended location on Unix systems is /usr/local/share/Proc4. The files EIEvent, EIEvent.R, EIini.R, and EILoader.R should be copied to that directory (or to a bin subdirectory), and edited for local prferences. In particular, the EIini.R file needs to be updated with local details about the database and passwords, as well as directories for configuration files. The other files need to be updated to point to the EIini.R file.

The EILoader.R script loads a scoring model into the engine (see the following section). The EIEvent.R script runs the scoring engine (see Launching and termination, below). The shell script EIEvent runs the EIEvent.R script as a server process.

Rule Sets and Context Sets

In many respects, the EIEngine is an interpreter for a rule-based programming langugage. The document Rules of Evidence ( describes that language specification. Programs are stored in the database. So there are two steps: loading the rules and contexts (described here), and executing the program on the event queue (described below).

The engine processes a queue of Event objects (see the next section) using the following steps:

  1. When the first event for a user arrives, that user is defined an initial Status based on the default status for that application.

  2. The applicableContexts for the current status is determined by consulting the ContextSet associated with the application. The idea is that a specific context (e.g., a game level) belongs to several larger context sets (e.g., the set of levels with a comon solution strategy).

  3. The RuleTable is consulted to find the set of rules applicable to the current event and context.

  4. The Conditions of the rules are run. If the condition is true, the the Predicates of the rules are run as well.

  5. If running the rules updates the Status, then the updated status is saved.

  6. If a trigger rule is run and P4Message is built (!send), then the message is sent to the ListenerSet.

  7. The event is marked as processed, and then loop goes on to process the next event.

The program consists of three parts:


A set of Rule objects which are all stored in the database.


A set of context descriptions that play a role in determining when rules are applicable.

A defaul Status

The initial status for the application.

The script EILoader.R illustrates the necessary steps. Note that doLoad provides a more sophisticated interface to those steps.

Assuming the EIEngine is in an object called eng the following steps load the details.

  1. Load in the rules from a JSON file: ruleList <- lapply( fromJSON( filename , FALSE), parseRule). The function parseRule creates a rule object from the output of fromJSON.

  2. Clear the old rules using eng$clearAllRules().

  3. Load the new rules using eng$loadRules(ruleList).

  4. Load the context set from a datafile: conMat <- read.csv(filename).

  5. Create the initial context: initCon <- data.frame(CID="*INITIAL*", Name="*INITIAL*", Number=0).

  6. Clear Old contexts: eng$clearContexts().

  7. Load context mattrix: eng$addContexts(conMat).

  8. Load initial context: eng$addContexts(initCon).

  9. Clear old records including default: eng$clearStatusRecords(TRUE).

  10. Create a new blank status: defaultRec <- eng$newUser("*DEFAULT*").

  11. Initialize fields on that record:

    • Flag: flag(defaultRec, name ) <- value.

    • Observable: obs(defaultRec, name ) <- value.

    • Timers: timer(defaultRec, name ) <- Timer( name).

  12. Save it back to the database: defaultRec <- eng$saveStatus(defaultRec).

Events and the Event Queue

Objects of class Event are stored in a database collection (by default, the Events collection in the EIRecords database). Each event has a processed flag and the timestamp ensure that at any time the system can find the oldest unprocessed event. When run in server mode, new events can be added to the collection and the EIEngine will process them as they are added.

A single cycle of the mainLoop consists of the following steps.

  1. Fetch the next event with eve <- eng$fetchNextEvent().

  2. Process the event with out <- handleEvent(eng,eve).

  3. If an error was generated (out is of class try-error), then save the error in the database using eng$setError(eve, out).

  4. Mark the event as processed using eng$setProcessed(eve).

Events can be added to the system using the mongoimport external function. To call this from R, use system2("mongoimport", sprintf('-d %s -c Events --jsonArray', eng$dbname), stdin=eventFile)

Listeners and Messages

The output of the EI process is through the Listener objects. Trigger rules generate objects of P4Message (see !send) which are sent to the ListenerSet associated with the EIEngine. When a trigger rule fires, the !send predicate creates a message which is then sent to the ListenerSet though the notifyListeners method. This, in turn, calls the receiveMessage method on each of the listeners.

One of the most common actions in response to a listener firing is to insert or update a record in another database. This is the mechanism by which the EI process can send its output into the input queue for the EA process.

Launching and termination

Because the program is already stored in the database, launching the EIEngine as a server process takes three steps:

  1. Create an instance of EIEngine (eng).

  2. Create set the active flag for the process to true by calling, eng$activate().

  3. Run the mainLoop process. This will run until the active flag is cleared.

The script EIEvent.R runs through these steps. It calls the EIini.R script to get details of configuration, then creates the engine and runs the main loop. The bash shell script EIEvent runs the EIEvent.R script in a server process (R --slave).

When run from the command line, EIEvent takes four arguments. (These should be specified as name=value). They are as follows:

app (Required)

This is the name of the application to be run. It is usually a URL-like string such as: ecd://


level (Default INFO)

This is the default logging level (see Logging below).

clean (default FALSE)

If true, then old statuses and messages will be cleaned out before starting. Otherwise, the current run will be a continuation of the old run.

evidence (Optional, filename)

If this argument is supplied, then the contents of the file will be read into the event queue before processing. The value of eng$processN will be set to the number of events, so the function will stop after the events are processed.

The arguments are only relevant when the process is run as a server. The EIEvent.R script can also be run line-by-line in an R developement environment (e.g., R Studio), in which case the arguments are replaced by constants set at the beginning of the script.

Unless an event file is given, the script will run an infinite loop. On a *nix system, this usually means that it should run as a background process, e.g., the call should be nohup EIEvent args &. This requires a graceful way to close the process down. This is done by setting the active field for the record corresponding to the application to false in the AuthorizedApps collection of the Proc4 database. A mongo shell call to do this is: db.AuthorizedApps.update({app:{"$regex":"appname"}}, {"$set":{active:false}});, where “appname” can be any string that uniquely identifies the application.

If the event file is given, it should be a JSON file will a collection of Event objects. The events will be loaded into the database and processed. The script will stop when the events are done processing. Often it is more convenient to run this in the interactive mode as R will still be active after the completion, so that the results can be inspected.

Logging and Error Handling

Logging is handled using the flog.logger framework. This provides a large number of tools for specifying the details of the logging. The EIEngine executes the rules in the withFlogging environment. This means that the default behavior for rules which generate errors is to log the error and move to the next rule. The error message is also added to the event in the event database (markAsError).

The amount of logging done, particularly the amount of detail supplied, is controled by the flog.threshold function. The amount of detail provided at various levels is as follows:

  • The results of checkCondition are reported.

  • The specific rules found from each query are reported.

  • A message is logged as each rule is run.

  • When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.

  • Each event is logged as it is processed.

  • Rule searches are logged and the number of rules reported.

  • A message is logged when each phase starts.

  • A message is logged when the context changes.


Minimal information about which events are being processed is logged.

WARN and above

If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.

When running the EIEngine as a server, generally the logging should be done as a file. This can be done by running: flog.appender(appender.file(logfile)). When running in interactive mode, it may be useful to have log messages sent to both the console and the log file. The command for this is: flog.appender(appender.file(logfile)).


Note that several applications can share the same database. The app field of the EIEngine is part of the key for all of the collections. Generally, database commands will use the app field as part of the queries, so two engines with different applications ids will have different rule sets, context sets, status sets and event queues.

Because of this separation, it is possible to run multiple EIEngine processes focused on different applications. This gives a limited form of parallel processing.

In theory, processing for each uid could be handled separately. This has not been coded in this version. Future versions may use a language other than R which supports richer tools for multi-threaded computing.


Work on the Proc4, EIEvent and EABN packages has been supported by the National Science foundation grants DIP: Game-based Assessment and Support of STEM-related Competencies (#1628937, Val Shute, PI) and Mathematical Learning via Architectual Design and Modeling Using E-Rebuild. (#1720533, Fengfeng Ke, PI).

The EIEvent package developement was led by Russell Almond (Co-PI).


Russell Almond

Maintainer: Russell Almond <[email protected]>


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

There is a “quick start” document which describes how to set up the engine. This is available at

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

See Also

The package Proc4 provides low level support for the database connectivity, which is handled through the mongo function. Logging is supplied by the flog.logger system.


## Not run: 

## Initialize the Engine
app <- "ecd://"
loglevel <- "DEBUG"
cleanFirst <- TRUE
eventFile <- "/home/ralmond/Projects/EvidenceID/c081c3.core.json"

## These configuration steps are generally done in EIini.R
## These are application generic parameters
EIeng.common <- list(host="localhost",username="EI",password="secret",

appstem <- basename(app)
## These are for application specific parameters
EIeng.params <- list(app=app)

## File for loading configuraitons
config.dir <- "/home/ralmond/ownCloud/Projects/NSFCyberlearning/EvidenceID"

## Location of logfile
logfile <- file.path("/usr/local/share/Proc4/logs",

EI.listenerSpecs <-
            colname="EvidenceSets",messSet="New Observables"))

## Setup logging

## Setup Listeners
listeners <- lapply(names(EI.listenerSpecs),
                    function (ll),EI.listenerSpecs[[ll]]))
names(listeners) <- names(EI.listenerSpecs)
if (interactive()) {
  cl <- new("CaptureListener")
  listeners <- c(listeners,cl=cl)

## Load the Rules
ruleList <- lapply(jsonlite::fromJSON("rulefile.json", FALSE), parseRule)

## Load Contexts
conMat <- read.csv("contextTable.csv")
initCon <- data.frame(CID="*INITIAL*", Name="*INITIAL*", Number=0)

## Setup default status.
eng$clearStatusRecords(TRUE) ## Clears default record
defaultRec <- eng$newUser("*DEFAULT*")
obs(defaultRec,"bankBalance") <- 0
defaultRec <- eng$saveStatus(defaultRec)

## Clean out old records from the database.
if (cleanFirst) {
  eng$userRecords$clearAll(FALSE)   #Don't clear default
  for (lis in eng$listenerSet$listeners) {
    if (is(lis,"UpdateListener") || is(lis,"InjectionListener"))
## Process Event file if supplied
if (!is.null(eventFile)) {
          sprintf('-d %s -c Events --jsonArray', eng$dbname),
  ## Count the number of unprocessed events
  NN <- eng$eventdb()$count(buildJQuery(app=app(eng),processed=FALSE))
  ## This can be set to a different number to process only a subset of events.
  eng$processN <- NN

## Activate engine (if not already activated.)
mainLoop(eng) ## This will not terminate unless processN was set to a
              ## finite value.

## This shows the details of the last message.  If the test script is
## set up properly, this should be the observables.
if (!is.null(eventFile) && TRUE) {

## End(Not run)

Finds context sets to which a given context belongs.


A Context may belong to one or more context sets. A Rule may operate on a specific context, a context set, or all contexts (the special context set "ALL"). The function applicableContexts returns a list of all potential rule context matches. The function belongsTo maintains the implicit contexts.


## S4 method for signature 'Context'
## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
belongsTo(c) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Context'
belongsTo(c) <- value



An object of class Context


A character vector containing the names of the context sets this context belongs to.


The function belongsTo returns a (possibly empty) vector of context set names this context belongs to. (The ANY method always returns the empty list.) The function applicableContexts returns the same vector with the addition of the current context ID and the special context "ALL".


It would seem a natural extension of this system to put the contexts into an acyclic directed graph with the belongsTo function providing the link. This was determined to be more trouble than it was worth for the current application, so the entire hierarchy must be represented within the belongsTo field of each context.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

See Also

Context describes the context object.


ct <- Context("Level1","First Tutorial",1,
              doc="First Introductory Level",

belongsTo(ct) <- "tutorialLevels"

More flexible constructor for creating difftime objects.


The function asif.difftime is a constructor for difftime objects from a list with components named “secs”, “mins”, “hours”, “days”, or “weeks”. These get added together.

The function is.difftime is the test function missing from the base package.





This should be a list of numeric values with named components with names selected from: c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks").


An object to be tested for its difftime status.


If the argument to asif.difftime is a list with the appropriate names, then an object of class difftime is returned. Otherwise, the argument is returned.

The function is.difftime returns a logical value indicating whether or not its argument is of class difftime


Russell Almond

See Also


Also, asif.difftime is used in variuos predicates.


dt <- asif.difftime(list(mins=1,secs=5))
stopifnot (is.difftime(dt),

These functions build messages for Trigger Rules.


A trigger rule has a special predicate function !send which build a P4Message object to send to listeners of the EIEngine (through the notifyListeners method.


buildMessages(predicate, state, event)
"!send"(predicate, state, event)
"!send1"(predicate, state, event)
"!send2"(predicate, state, event)



One element of the predicate, or in the case of buildMessages the complete predicate.


An object of class Status giving the current state of the system. Note that often context and oldContext will be different.


An object of class Event that gives the event that triggered the message.


The function !send builds a P4Message which is then sent to the registered listeners of the EIEngine. The default message is “"Observables Available"”, which is what the Evidence Accumulation process is listening for. The default content is all of the observables.

The rule can override certian defaults of the message by setting appropriate fields of the object that is the value of the !send element in the predicate.


The context for the message. Default is oldContext(event). Value can be a direct value of a field name (starting with “” or “state.”).


The text (subject) of the message. Default is “Observables Available”. Value can be a direct value of a field reference (starting with “” or “state.”).


The fields to be added in the details section of the message. If omitted, all of the observables are sent (with their default names). If supplied this should either be an named character vector or named list. The names are used as the names of the details portion of the message, and the values are field references (starting with “” or “state.”) for where to find the values.

The function buildMessages runs through multiple elements of the predicate and builds multiple messages. The additional predicates !send1 and !send2 are there to allow for additional messages. This will also work with the name of an arbitrary R function which takes (predicate, state, event) as an argument list and returns a message.


The function !send returns an object of class P4Message with the following fields:


The application, value is app(event).


The user ID, value is uid(event).


The context (task) for this message, default is the value of oldContext(state).


The message header. The default value is “Observables Available.”


The value is “EIEvent”.


The timestamp for the message. The value is timestamp(event).


The data that should be sent with the message. The default is all of the observables of the Status argument.


JSON parsers are not happy with multiple fields with the same name, so the !send1 and !send2 operators are provided to get around this problem.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

See Also

Rule describes the rule object and Conditions describes the Conditions, and Predicates the predicates in general.

The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.

The P4Message class is from the Proc4-package. The notifyListeners method describes the Proc4 message passing system.


st9 <- Status(uid="Test0",context="SpiderWeb",
             timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"),

evnt10 <- Event(uid="Test0",
               verb="satisfied",object="game level",
               timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"),
               details= list("badge"="gold"))

mess0 <- buildMessages(list("!send"=list()),st9,evnt10)[[1]]
stopifnot(mess(mess0)=="Observables Available",
          length(details(mess0)) == 3L)
mess1 <- buildMessages(list("!send1"=list()),st9,evnt10)[[1]]
messb <- buildMessages(list("!send"=list(mess="Badge",

Checks to see if a condition in a EIEvent Rule is true.


An Rule object contains a list of Conditions. The name of each condition is the name of a field of the Event or Status object. For example, ""=list("?in"=c("gold","silver")) would test if the trophy field was set to “gold” or “silver”. The function checkCondition returns true if all of the conditions are satisfied and false if any one of them is not satisfied.


checkCondition(conditions, state, event)



A named list of conditions: see details.


An object of class Status to be checked.


An object of class Event to be checked.


The condition of a Rule is a list of queries. Each query has the following form:


Here, field is an identifier of a field in the Status or Event object being tested. This is in the dot notation (see getJS). The query operator, ?op is one of the tests described in Conditions. The arg is a value or field reference that the field will be tested against. In other words, the query is effectively of the form field ?op arg. The ... represents additional ?oparg pairs to be tested.

The arg can be a literal value (either scalar or vector) or a reference to another field in the Status or Event object using the dot notation.

In general, a rule contains a list of queries. A rule is satisfied only if all of its queries are satisfied: the function checkCondition checks if the rule is satisfied.

Finally, one special query syntax allows for expansion. If the field is replaced with "?where", that is the query has the syntax "?where"=funname, then the named R is called. This should be a function of two arguments, the status and the event, which returns a logical value. The condition is satisfied if the funciton returns true.

See Conditions for more details.


Returns a logical value: TRUE if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Rule describes the rule object and Conditions describes the conditions. Predicates describes the predicate part of the rule, and executePredicate executes the predicate (when the condition is satisfied).

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 1",timerNames=character(),
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

ev <- Event("Phred","test","message",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),

               st,ev)==TRUE,             #Agent was lever.
               st,ev)==FALSE,            #Agent abbreviated form.
               st,ev)==TRUE,             #Same agent used.
               st,ev)==TRUE,             #Between 5 and 10 objects.
               st,ev)==FALSE,             #Between 5 and 10 objects.
#Abbreviated form (note lack of names)

agplusobj <- function (state,event) {
  return (getJS("state.flags.noobj",state,event) +
          getJS("",state,event) < 10)


Accessor functions for context objects.


These functions access the corresponding fields of the Context class.


## S4 method for signature 'Context'
## S4 method for signature 'Context'
number(c) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Context'
number(c) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'Context'



A Context object.


A Context object.


An integer giving the new context number.


The function cid returns a unique string identifier for the context. The function number returns a unique integer identifier. The function app returns the application identifier. The cid and number should be unique within the app.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the JSON layout of the Status/State objects.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

HT2Labs (2018). Learning Locker Documentation.

See Also

Context describes the context object. The function applicableContexts describes the context matching logic.


ct <- Context("Level1","First Tutorial",1,
              doc="First Introductory Level",


number(ct) <- 0

Conditional query operators for Rules.


These are the conditional operators for a Rule. The check that the target value meets the specified condition (cond). These are called by the function checkCondition which checks that the condition is correct.


"?eq"(arg, target, state, event)
"?ne"(arg, target, state, event)
"?gt"(arg, target, state, event)
"?gte"(arg, target, state, event)
"?lt"(arg, target, state, event)
"?lte"(arg, target, state, event)
"?in"(arg, target, state, event)
"?nin"(arg, target, state, event)
"?exists"(arg, target, state, event)
"?isnull"(arg, target, state, event)
"?isna"(arg, target, state, event)
"?regexp"(arg, target, state, event)
"?any"(arg, target, state, event)
"?all"(arg, target, state, event)
"?not"(arg, target, state, event)
"?and"(arg, target, state, event)
"?or"(arg, target, state, event)



This is the value of the condition clause (the argument) of the query.


This is the value of the current state of the referenced field in the query.


This is a Status object used to resovle dot notation references.


This is a Event object used to resovle dot notation references.


The condition of a Rule is a list of queries. Each query has the following form:


Here, field is an identifier of a field in the Status or Event object being tested. This is in the dot notation (see getJS). The query operator, ?op is one of the tests described in the section ‘Condition Operators’. The arg is a value or field reference that the field will be tested against. In other words, the query is effectively of the form field ?op arg. The ... represents additional ?oparg pairs to be tested.

The arg can be a literal value (either scalar or vector) or a reference to another field in the Status or Event object using the dot notation.

In general, a rule contains a list of queries. A rule is satisfied only if all of its queries are satisfied (essentially joining the queries with a logical-and). At the present time, the only way to get a logical-or is to use multiple rules.

Finally, one special query syntax allows for expansion. If the field is replaced with "?where", that is the query has the syntax "?where"=funname, then the named R is called. This should be a function of two arguments, the status and the event, which returns a logical value. The condition is satisfied if the funciton returns true.


The condition operators always return a logical value, TRUE if the query is satisfied, and FALSE if not.

Condition Operators

The syntax for the condition part of the rule resembles the query lanugage used in the Mongo database (MongoDB, 2018). There are two minor differences: first the syntax uses R lists and vectors rather than JSON objects and second the ‘$’ operators are replaced with ‘?’ operators.

In general, each element of the list should have the form field=c(?op=arg). In this expression, field references a field of either the Status or EIEngine (see sQuoteDot Notation section above), ?op is one of the test operators below, and the argument arg is a litteral value (which could be a list) or a character string in dot notation referencing a field of either the Status or Event. If ?op is omitted, it is taken as equals if arg is a scalar and ?in if value is a vector. For more complex queries where arg is a more complex expresison, the c() function is replaced with list().

The following operators (inspired from the operators used in the Mongo database, Mongo DB, 2018, only with ‘?’ instead of ‘$’) are currently supported:

?eq, ?ne

These are the basic operators, which test if the field is (not) equal to the argument.

?gt, ?gte, ?lt, ?lte

These test if the field is greater than (or equal to) or less than (or equal to) the argument. Note that c("?lt"=low,"?gt"=high) can be used to test if the value of the field is between the arguments low and high.

?in, ?nin

These assume that the argument is a vector and are satisfied if the value of the field is (not) in the vector.

?exists, ?isnull, ?isna

These test if the field exists, contains a NULL (often true if the field does not exist) or contains an NA. The arg should be TRUE or FALSE (where false inverts the test.)

?any, ?all

These operators assume that the field contains a vector and check if any (or all) of the elements satisfy the condition given in the argument. Thus, the argument is another expression of the form =c(?op=value). For example field=list("?any"=c("?gt"=3)) will be satisfied if any element of field is greater than 3.


The argument of this query should be another query involving the target field. The not query is satisfied if the inner query is not satistified.

?or, ?and

In both of these cases, the arg should be a list of queries for the applicable field. The ?or query is satisfied if any of the inner queries is satisfied, and the ?and query is satistified if all of the inner queries are satisfied. Like the R || ( &&) operator, the ?or (?and) query runs the subqueries in order and stops at the first true (false) subquery.


This query uses regular expression matching. The argument should be a regular expression (see regex for a description of R regular expressions). The query is satisfied if the value of the field matches the regular expression.


This query is a trapdoor that allows arbitrary R code to be run to run as the condition. This has a special syntax: "?where"=funname, where the ?where operator takes the place of the field and funname give the name of a function. This should be a function of two arguments, the status and the event, which returns a logical value. The condition is satisfied if the funciton returns true.

Although the ?or operator allows for logical-or expressions for a single field, it does not extend to multiple fields. However, this can be accomplished with separate rules.

Expansion Mechanisms

The special “?where” form obviously allows for expansion. It is particularly designed for queries which involve multiple fields in a complex fashion.

It is also possible to expand the set of ?op functions. The method used for dispatch is to call,list(cond, target, state, event)) where cond is everything after ?op=cond in the query expression. (This is the same syntax as the supplied operators).

Condition Testing

The function checkCondition is used internally to check when a set of conditions in a rule are satisfied.

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Rule describes the rule object and Predicates describes the predicates. The function checkCondition tests when conditions are satisfied. The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


list("?eq"="lever"),   #Agent was lever."lever",               #Agent abbreviated form."?ne"="ramp"),   #Agent was not a ramp."state.flag.lastagent", #Same agent used.
state.flags.noobj=list("?lt"=10),       #Fewer than 10 objects used.
state.flags.noobj=list("?lt"=10,"?gte"=5), #Between 5 and 10 objects.

#Agent is a lever or a springboard."?in"=c("lever","springboard")),
#Abbreviated form (note lack of names)"lever","springboard"),
#Agent was not a ramp or a pendulum."?nin"=c("ramp","pendulum")),   

## Checking for existence of fields and NA values.

## Was the slider a blower (name starts with blower)."?regexp"="^[Bb]lower.*"),

## These assume field is a vector.
state.flags.agentsused=list("?any"="pendulum"), #Abbreviated form.
state.flags.agentsused=list("?any"="ramp"), #Abbreviated form.

## ?not

## ?and, ?or -- note these stop as soon as falsehood (truth) is proved.


## The ?Where operator
agplusobj <- function (state,event) {
  return (getJS("state.flags.noobj",state,event) +
          getJS("",state,event) < 10)


Constructor for the Context object


This is the constructor for the Context objects and context set objects (which are identical). As Context objects are usually read from a database or other input stream, the parseContext function is recreates an event from a JSON list and as.jlist encodes them into a list to be saved as JSON.


Context(cid, name, number, belongsTo = character(), doc = "", app="default")
## S4 method for signature 'Context,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character identifier for the context. Should be unique within an application (app).


A human readable name, used in documentation.


A numeric identifier for the context.


A character vector describing context sets this context belongs to.


A character vector providing a description of the context.


A character scalar providing a unique identifier for the application.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class Context to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code).


Most of the details about the Context object, and how it works is documented under Context-class. Note that context sets and contexts are represented with the same object.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the function as.json.

The parseContext function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to a context object. It is designed to be given as an argument to getOneRec and getManyRecs.


The functions Context and parseContext return objects of class Context. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

HT2Labs (2018). Learning Locker Documentation.

See Also

Context describes the context object, and ContextSet describes the context set object.

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseStatus to extract events from a database.


ct <- Context("Level1","First Tutorial",1,
              doc="First Introductory Level",

cta <- parseContext(as.jlist(ct,attributes(ct)))

Class "Context"


This is a descriptor for a measurement context (e.g., item or game level) in an assessment system. A context plays the role of a task in the four process architecture (Almond, Steinberg, and Mislevy, 2002), but allows for the measurement context to be determined dynamically from an extended task. (Almond, Shute, Tingir, and Rahimi, 2018).

The primary of use of the Context object is determining for which events a rule is applicable. The belongsTo allows designers of an evidence rule system to define context groups for rules which are applicable in multiple contexts.

Objects from the Class

Context object can be created by calls to the Context()) function. Most of the fields in the context are documentation; however, two, the cid and belongsTo fields, play a special role in the rule dispatch logic. The cid field is the identifier of the context as used in the Rule and Status classes.

The belongsTo attribute sets up a hierarchy of classes. In particular, each value of the of this field (if set) should be the cid of a context group to which this context belongs. Context groups are also Context objects and can in turn belong to larger groups. Currently, inheritance is not supported, so that the all parents (direct and indirect) need to be listed).

Context Resolution

When the EIEngine processes an Event, it checks the context of the current Status object. It then searches the rule table for all rules which match on the verb and object fields of the event and the context field of the status. A rule is considered applicable if one of the following conditions is met.

  1. The context fields of the Status and Rule class match exactly.

  2. The context fields of the Rule class matches the cid of one of the entries in the belongsTo field of the Status.

  3. The context fields of the Rule is the keyword “ANY”, i.e., the rule is applicable to all classes.

This is actually accomplished by using the function applicableContexts which creates a list of the current context and all of the context groups that it matches. The EIEngine then grabs from the rule table all rules which match one of the applicable contexts (including “ANY”).

This should seem similar to the way that method dispatch works for S4 classes (see Introduction to the methods package). The Context belongsTo hiearchy is similar to the inheritence hierarchy of a typical class system. There are two key differences. First, inheritense is not currently supported with contexts; all context groups must be explicitly listed in the belongsTo field. Second, while the S4 method dispatch mechanism searches for all methods which are applicable to the current objects, it only executes the most specific method. The table dispatch mechanism executes all the applicable rules and makes no attempt to sort them.



Object of class "character" which is the id in the Mongo database; this generally should not be changed.


Object of class "character" which provides a unique identifier for the context.


Object of class "character" which provides a human readable name for the context.


Object of class "integer" which provides a numeric index for the context.


Object of class "character" which gives a list of context IDs for context groups to which this context belongs.


Object of class "character" which provides extended documentation for the context group.


Object of class "character" which a unique identifier for the application in which this context is applicable.



signature(obj = "Context", ml = "list"): Used in converting the object to JSON for storing in a Mongo database, see as.json.


signature(c = "Context"): Returns the value of the belongsTo field


signature(c = "Context"): Sets the value of the belongsTo field.


signature(c = "Context"): Returns the context ID.


signature(x = "Context"): Returns the documentation string.


signature(x = "Context"): Returns the name of the context.


signature(c = "Context"): Returns the number id of the context.


signature(c = "Context"): Sets the numeric id of the context.


signature(x = "Context"): Returns the app identifier of the context.


signature(object = "Context"): Prints the object in a “#<Context >” format.


signature(x = "Context",...): Converts the object to a string in a “#<Context >” format.


It seems natural to create a full inheritance hierarchy for contexts. Probably available in a future version. For now, explicity listing all parents seems easier to implement.


Russell Almond


Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

See Also

The ContextSet is an object which hold a collection of contexts.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Event, Status, Rule.

Methods for working with contexts: Context, applicableContexts, parseContext, name, doc, cid, number, app



Class "ContextSet"


This is a reference class which is a wrapper for a handle to a database collection of Context objects associated with a particular application. Note that this is a reference class and many of the methods permanently modify the database.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".



signature(set = "ContextSet"): Removes all of the contexts associated with this applicaiton from the database.


signature(id = "character", set = "ContextSet"): searches for a Context with the given context id (cid).


signature(id = "integer", set = "ContextSet"): searches for a Context with a given numeric id (number).


signature(con = "Context", set = "ContextSet"): Adds or replaces a Context in the database.


signature(app = "character", dbname = "character", dburi = "character", ...): Constructor, creates a new context set for the given application, connecting to the database referenced by dbname and dburi.



Object of class character giving the identifier for the application. This is part of the database key for the collection.


Object of class character giving the name of the database (e.g., “EIRecords”).


Object of class character giving the uri for the database, (e.g., “mongodb://localhost”).


Object of class MongoDB which is the handle to the database. As this field is initialized when first requested, it should not be accessed directly, but instead through the contextdb() method.

Class-Based Methods


This inserts of replaces a Context object in the database.

initialize(app, dbname, dburi, db, ...):

This sets up the object. Note that the db field is not initialized until contextdb() is first called.


This returns the handle to the mongo collection object. If the connection has not yet been initialized.


This searches for the context by context id (cid), not by name.


This searchers for the context by number.


This removes all contexts associated with this application from the database.


In general, several context sets can share the same database collection. These are distinguished by the application ID (app). The effect primary key for the collection is (app,cid) with a secondary key as (app,number). The collection maintains an index on both of those field pairs.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

See Also

Context describes the context object.

The functions matchContext, updateContext clearContexts, and loadContexts are used to manipulate context sets.


dbname="test", dburi=character())

Meta-data accessors for Rules and Contexts.


To provide both Rule and Context object with adequate documentation, they are given both name and doc properties. The name is used in error reporting and debugging. The doc string is to aid in rule management.


## S4 method for signature 'Context'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Context'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'



A Context or Rule object whose documentation is being queried.


Both functions return an object of type character.


Russell Almond

See Also

Classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.


r1 <- Rule(name="Coin Rule",
           doc="Set the value of the badge to the coin the player earned.",
           verb="satisfied", object="game level",
           ruleType="Observable", priority=5,

stopifnot(name(r1)=="Coin Rule",grepl("badge",doc(r1)))

ct <- Context("Level1","First Tutorial",1,
              doc="First Introductory Level",
stopifnot(name(ct)=="First Tutorial",

Construct an Engine and Load the Rules.


This function reads a configuration file (config.json) and then loads the referenced rules into the database. The assumption is that the 'config.json' will be in git (or other SCCS) system along with the rules expressed in json notation. The referenced rules are then loaded for the specified app.


doLoad(app, EI.config, EIeng.local, config.dir, override = FALSE)



A string giving the identifier for the application whose rules are loaded.


A list giving details about the EI Event environment. This is usually the content of the 'config.json' file. See details.


A list giving local (machine specific) configuration information.


A string giving the location of the configuation directory, where the rule files are located.


A logical flag. If true, then the rules are loaded even if there currently exists a lock file to indicate that they are being used.


The linkS4class{EIEngine} runs against a collection of Rule objects. In the current implementation, the rules are kept in a mongo database ('EIRecords.Rules'). In addition to the rules, there is a table of Contexts which describe collections of tasks (game levels) to which rules should apply. Finally, a default student record with proper initial values needs to be created for the application.

Generally, the rules are coded using a 'json' formatted text file, which is parsed and loaded into the database. These are stored in the directory file.path(config.dir,EI.config$ruledir) (usually the “Rules” directory in the configuration file). The configuration value EI.config$rules is character vector giving the names of the rule files (without the “json” suffix). This is passed to the loadRulesFromList function. The configuration value EI.config$rulesWithTests gives the name of rule files that come with embedded tests. These use the testAndLoad function instead.

In addition to the rule files, the Contexts must be specified. These are loaded from tables (stored in CSV files) where the rows correspond to tasks and the columns correspond to higher level contexts that specific tasks might belong to. This is used to create the collection of contexts in the database. See loadContexts for details. The value EI.config$contextDescriptions gives a character vector containing the name (minus the .csv extension) of the context description files.

Finally, the loader creates a default student record. This allows certain fields (which count across the whole assessment) to be initialized. In Physics playground, the initial back balance is set to zero and the trophy list is initialized to the empty list. The mechanism is that the doLoad function creates a new user record called “*DEFAULT*” and sets its initial observables to the values in the named list EI.config$defaultRecordData. This is then stored in the database. In the future, new student records are created by cloning the “*DEFAULT*” record.


This function is called for its side effects, and the return value should not be used.


The Github project contains and example set of configuration files used for Physics Playground.

This function is meant to be called by the EILoad.R script found in the config directory. (file.path(help(package="EIEvent")$path,"conf","EILoad.R"))

The shell script EILoader found in the same directory will run this script.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

EIEngine, doRunrun, loadContexts, loadRulesFromList, testAndLoad


## This script is available in the conf directory

## Not run: 

## It is assumed that EIini.R sets the value of
## config.dir, EIeng.local and Proc4.config

EI.config <- jsonlite::fromJSON(file.path(config.dir,"config.json"),FALSE)

## appStem is a short nickname for the app
## Proc4.config$apps contains the full names indexed by the nicknames.

appStem <- as.character(EI.config$appStem)

apps <- as.character(Proc4.config$apps[appStem])
if (length(apps)==0L || any(apps=="NULL")) {
  stop("Could not find apps for ",appStem)

ruledir <- ifelse(!is.null(EI.config$ruledir),

lockfile <- file.path(config.dir,ruledir,"ruleloader.lock")
logfile <- (file.path(logpath, sub("<app>","Loader",EI.config$logname)))
if (interactive()) {
} else {

## Loop over apps
for (app in apps)
  doLoad(app, EI.config, EIeng.local, config.dir)

## End(Not run)

Runs the EIEvent engine using the supplied configuration.


This is a system to run the evidence identifiation engine, taking most of the details from a configuration file. It creates the EIEngine instance then and then runs it in either scoring or rescoring mode. Configuration information in taken from the EI.config and EIeng.local parameters.


doRunrun(app, EI.config, EIeng.local, config.dir, outdir = config.dir,
override = FALSE, logfile = "", noprep = FALSE)



A character string giving the global unique identifier for the application being run. This is normally formatted like a URL, and basename(app) is used as a short name.


A named list containing the configuration details. See the ‘Configuration’ section below.


A named list containing additional parameters for the engine constructor. The intention that these are local configuraiton paramete (e.g., database names and passwords) as opposed to more global information. Note this must have an element named “dburi” which gives the URI for the database.


The pathname of the directory that contains the the rules subdirectories.


The pathname of the directory to which output files will be written.


A logical flag. If true, the code will ignore locks and restart the run anyway.


Name for the file in which to do logging.


A logical flag. If this value is true then the database preparation operations will be skipped. This is intended for continuing a run which was interrupted for some reason.


The goal is to start a run for scoring (evidence identificaiton step) an assessment using the EIEngine class. This function takes care of many of the configuration details and preparatory steps and then calls mainLoop to do the major work. In particular, the steps done by this system are as follows:

  1. Configure the listeners.

  2. Configure the engine.

  3. Clean old scores from the database (optional depending on configuration.)

  4. Remove selected events from the collection. Import new evidence sets into the database and mark selected evidence as unprocessed. (This step is skipped if the noprep flag is true.)

  5. Launch engine using mainLoop.

  6. Build and register the obserables output file.

Note that this will run in either rerun mode, where it will score an selection of existing events and stop, or in server mode where it will continue waiting for new messages until it gets a shut down signal.


This returns the engine invisibly, in case the calling program wants to do something with it.


There are a large number of parameters which can be configured. These are passed in through the EI.config argument, which is a list of parameters. The intention is that this can be read in from a JSON file (using fromJSON). The RunEIEvent.R script loads these from a file called config.json. A sample of this file is available on github The idea is that an entire configuration directory can be stored in a source code control system to manage the configuration process.

The following fields are available:


An identifier for the configuration. Default value "PP-main". Documentation only, not used by doRunrun.


The branch name for the git branch for this configuraiton. Default value "PP-main". Documentation only, not used by doRunrun.


A version number for the configuration. Documentation only, not used by doRunrun.


A edit date for the configuration. Documentation only, not used by doRunrun.


A charcter vector of app stems that will be affected. Sample value ["P4Test"]. This should be the result of applying basename to the longer application IDs.


This controls the flog.threshold. Default value "INFO". Note that doRunrun does not set the log value, that should be done in the calling script.


This is the name of the file to which logs should be sent. Example value "EA_<app>0.log". Note that doRunrun does not set the log file, that should be done in the calling script.


The sender field on output messages. Example value "EA_<app>".


The directory in which rule files are found. This is only read at load time; see doLoad.


A character vector giving the names of context description files (minus the .csv extension) in the ruledir directory. see doLoad and loadContexts.


A character vector giving the names of rule files (minus the .json extension) in the ruledir directory. See doLoad and loadRulesFromList.


A character vector giving the names of rule files (minus the .json extension) in the ruledir directory. See doLoad and testAndLoad.


A named list giving the initial values of observables in the default (initial) student record.


The name of the column to which the listener set should log messages. Example value "Messages".


This is a list of listener descriptions. See the section ‘Listener Configuration’ below.


Which listeners should be reset before running. This should be a character scalar or vector. The values should be names of listeners. The special value “Self” refers to the ListenerSet object, and the special value “ALL” resets all listeners. See resetListeners. Example value "ALL".


A complex object describing engine parameters. See the section ‘Engine Configuration’ below.


A complex object describing how to prefilter the database. See the section ‘Database Filters’ below.


This should be a list of paths (relative to config.dir) containing additional R code to load. This is not used by doRunrun, but is supplied for use in scripts that might use doRunrun.


This is a documentation field.


A logical flag. If true old student records for the designated application will be cleared before running.


An integer: how many events should be processed. Two special string values are also accepted. “ALL” will process all records currently in the database and stop. “Inf” will cause the process to run in server mode until it is shut down.

A number of these values do “<app>” substitution, that is they will substitute the string “<app>” for the short name of the application.

Listener Configruation

The listeners consist of a ListenerSet and a collection of Listener objects. The listener objects are made by using the information from the “listners” element of the EA.config argument. This should be a list of specifications (each specification itself is a list). These are passed to buildListener, which provides some examples.

The listener set is controlled by the EAeng.local$dburi value and the “lscolname” field. If dbuir is a name of a database, then the ListenerSet is logged into the “lscolname” collection. If dburi is null or an empty string, then the listener set will not do logging.

Engine Configruation

The arguments to the appropriate constructor are found between the EIeng.local and EI.config$EIEngine collections. The intent is for the former to include details (e.g., database user names and passwords) which are local to the server on which EIEvent is running, and for EI.config$EIEngine to include more public details which are local to a particular run.

See EIEvent for the expected fields. Note that the “processN” field is taken care of separately after the database operations (next section).

Database Filtering

The EI.config$filter field controls the database filtering process. There are four steps:


old records from the database.


new records into the database.


unused records from the database.


Reset the processed flag to ensure records get reprocessed.

These are controlled by the following elements in the EI.config$filter list:


Logical, should records be removed before import.


Filter to use for removal. The value {} will remove all records for the given app.


A list of filenames (in the config.dir) which contain evidence sets to be imported before scoring.


Logical, should records be removed after import.


Filter for the purging (after import removal). Leaving this empty will probably not be satisfactory.


Logical, should existing records have the processed flag cleared? Typically TRUE for rerun mode and FALSE for server mode.


Filter for the selected records to be marked for reprocessing. The value {} will mark all records (for this app) for reprocessing.

If the doprep argument is false, the database preprocessing will be skipped regardless of the values of the filter field.


Locking is done via the administrative fields of the database. In particular, if the EIEvent process is marked as running in the database, then the engine will not start. The override switch will force a start anyway.

Data Files

If any of the listeners is a TableListener, then an output file corresponding to the table will be produced when the run finishes. The name of that output file is determined by the field in the lister specificaitons. The datafiles are registered using the ListenerSet$registerOutput method.


Logging is done through the futile.logger{flog.logger} mechanism. This allows logs to be save to a file.

The “logLevel” and “logname” fields are put in the configuration specification to assist scripts in configuring the logging system.

Both the log file is registered using the ListenerSet$registerOutput method.


This function is meant to be called by the RunEIEvent.R script found in the config directory. (file.path(help(package="EIEvent")$path,"conf","RunEIEvent.R"))

The shell script EIEvent found in the same directory will run this script.


Russell Almond


The Bobs (1983) Psychokiller. My I'm Large. Rhino Records. (Reference is about 2:30 minutes into song.)

See Also


EIEngine, mainLoop, ListenerSet


## This example is in:
## Not run: 

if (interactive()) {
  ## Edit these for the local application
  appStem <- "P4test"
  loglevel <- ""
  noprep <- FALSE
  override <- FALSE
} else {
  appStem <- cmdArg("app",NULL)
  if (is.null(app) || !grepl("^ecd://",app))
    stop("No app specified, use '--args app=ecd://...'")
  loglevel <- cmdArg("level","")
  noprep <- as.logical(cmdArg("noprep",FALSE))
  override <- as.logical(cmdArg("override",FALSE))


EI.config <- jsonlite::fromJSON(file.path(config.dir,"config.json"),FALSE)

app <- as.character(Proc4.config$apps[appStem])
if (length(app)==0L || any(app=="NULL")) {
  stop("Could not find app for ",appStem)
if (!(appStem %in% EI.config$appStem)) {
  stop("Configuration not set for app ",appStem)

logfile <- (file.path(logpath, sub("<app>",appStem,EI.config$logname)))
## Let command line override configuration.
if (nchar(loglevel)==OL) loglevel <- EI.config$logLevel

if (interactive()) {
} else {

## Load extensions.
for (ext in EI.config$extensions) {
  if (is.character(ext) && nchar(ext) > 0L) {
    if (file.exists(file.path(config.dir,ext))) {
    } else {
      flog.error(paste("Can't find extension file", ext))

eng <- doRunrun(app,EI.config,EIeng.local,config.dir,outdir,
                logfile=logfile, override=override, noprep=noprep)

## End(Not run)

Creator for the EIEngine class.


The EIEngine is the prime mover for the EIEvent class. This command constructs the engine. The engine stores most of its information in a database, so the constructor mainly consists of the database location and credentials.


EIEngine(app = "default", dburi = makeDBuri(), listenerSet = NULL,
         dbname = "EIRecords", admindbname = "Proc4", processN = Inf,



The application ID for the engine. See Details.


A ListenerSet which contains the listeners for clients of the engine's messages.


A character scalar giving the login information for the mongo database. See makeDBuri.


This the name of the database. The default name is “EIRecords”.


Database used for checking if the EIEngine should still be active.


A positive integer. When the mainLoop is started, the engine will process N records before stopping.


The amout of time (in seconds) to wait before checking again for new evidence sets when the evidence set queue is empty.


For future expansions, subclasses.


The EIEngine is an interpreter for the rules, which form a code base for a specific engine. The EIEngine class provides connection to six collections in a database which provide most of the action of the EIEvent system.


Incomming events (Event objects). Accessed through $eventdb() method.


Outgoing messages (P4Message objects). Accessed through ListenerSet ($listenerSet) object.


Rule collection (Rule objects). Accessed through RuleTable ($rules) object.


Collection of saved statuses (Status objects). Accessed through UserRecordSet ($userRecords) object.


Context collection (Context objects). Accessed through ContextSet ($contexts) object.


Self-test collection (EITest objects). Accessed through TestSet ($tests) object.

Note that the database connections are made in a lazy fashion, connecting to the database when first accessed rather than when the object is created. So the proper accessor methods (e.g., $eventdb() whould be used instead of the raw field names.

All of the collections have the app field as part of their key, so that several applications can share a database. A different EIEngine is needed for each application.


A reference object of class EIEngine. See the class page for information about the methods supported.


This class is not currently threadsafe. In particular, if the handleEvent() function is called simultaneously on two different events with the same uid, the result will not be pretty. However, separate applications can be run in parallel (in different processes or threads).


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The primary classes in the EIEvent system are: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.

The EIEngine class is a container for the following classes: UserRecordSet, RuleTable, ContextSet, TestSet and ListenerSet,


mainLoop, handleEvent


cl <- new("CaptureListener")
app <- "ecd://"
lset <- ListenerSet(sender=paste(basename(app),"process"),
eng <- EIEngine(app=app,listenerSet=lset)

Class "EIEngine"


This is the main worker class for the EIEvent process. It handles grapping messages and processing them.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".



signature(sender = "EIEngine"): This sends a message to the registered listeners of the EIEngine.


signature(sender = "EIEngine"): Returns a string giving the application this Engine is supporting.

Database Connections

The EIEngine is an interprer for a rule-based langauge for processing events. The code, the rules, are stored in a mongo database, as are the events (the input queue) and the status objects. This database is determined by the dburi (note that this is determined with the username, password, host and port of the $initialize() method or EIEngine function) and dbname. Note that this database can be shared by several applications. The app field is used to identify records belonging to this application.

In the default configuration, the database is called “EIRecords” and has the following collections:


This contains the Events to be processed. It can be accessed through the function $eventdb(). Note that each event has a processed field that makes this collection essentially a queue. Other processes can queue events to be processed by inserting event records into this collection.


This is used by the ListenerSet to record messages sent by trigger rules. This collection can be accessed throught the $listenerSet field.


This contains the collection of Rules. This collection can be accessed through the $ruleTable field.


This contains the collection of Status objects. This collection can be accessed through the $userRecords field.


This contains the collection of Context objects. This can be accessed through the $contexts field.


This contains the collection of RuleTest objects. This can be accessed through the $ruleTests field.

The AuthorizedApps collection in the Proc4 database is used to signal when the EI process should shut down. The initialization argument admindbname is used to set the name of this database, and the admindb() function to access the collection. Note that all database collections should be accessed through the accessor function, which initialize the connection on demand, rather than by accessing the field directly.

The class-based methods, eng$activate() and eng$deactive() turn on an off the flag in the database that indicates that this app is active. The methods eng$isActivated() tests the status of that flag. The methods eng$shouldHalt() and eng$stopWhenFinished() check for signals that the main loop should be terminated immediately or when finished.

The listener objects may also access databases. This is the usual mechanism for the EI process to insert messages into the processing queue of other processes.

Activation and Termination

The mainLoop searches the event database for unprocessed events, and processes them in chronological order. There are three termination conditions. First, if the $processN field (which is decrimented after each event is processed) reaches 0, then the main loop will exit. Second, after each event is processed, it checks the eng$shouldHalt() condition; if this is true, it halts immediately. Third, if the event queue is empty, the engine will check the eng$stopWhenFinished() flag and will stop if it is true. Otherwise, it will wait for the waittime (in seconds) and check again.

The method eng$activate() sets the activated flag for this app to true and eng$deactivate() clears it. These are called from mainLoop. External processes can check this flag in the database by looking at the value of db.AuthorizedApps.find({"app":{"$regex":"P4test"}}, {"appStem":1,"EIactive":1});. The code is Mongo shell javascript, and “P4test” should be replaced with any string uniquely identifying the app (i.e., basename(app)).

The to signal to the process to stop, an external program needs to set the value of the EIsignal field for the appropriate application. The javascript code db.AuthorizedApps.update({app:{"$regex":"P4test"}}, {"$set":{"EIsignal":<value>}});, where “P4test” should be replaced with any string uniquely identifying the app, run in the Mongo shell will work. The <value> should be either “finish” or “halt”. The former triggers the eng$shopWhenFinished() and the latter triggers eng$halt().

Events and the Event Queue

Objects of class Event are stored in a database collection $eventdb(). The processed flag and the timestamp ensure that at any time the system can find the oldest unprocessed event. The function $fetchNextEvent() fetches this event. When the event is processed, the function $setProcessed() can be used to mark it as processed an update the database. The function $setError() is used to add an error message to an event.

A single cycle of the mainLoop consists of the following steps.

  1. Fetch the next event with eve <- eng$fetchNextEvent().

  2. Process the event with out <- handleEvent(eng,eve).

  3. If an error was generated (out is of class try-error), then save the error in the database using eng$setError(eve, out).

  4. Mark the event as processed using eng$setProcessed(eve).

Note that $setProcessed() still needs to be called even if $setError() is called.


Each application has a collection of rules or a RuleTable. This rule table is stored in the $rules field of the EIEngine object. Recall that a rule is applicable to a given event if the verb and object of the event match the verb and object of rule (or the rule has the special object “ALL”) and the context of the rule is one of the applicableContexts of the current context of the state.

In the current implementation, the rules are stored in the Rules database. This solves two problems: rule storage and rule search.

First, the database is where the rules come from when the application starts. The method $loadRules() stores a list of rules in the database and $clearAllRules() removes all rules. Note that trying to add a second rule with the same name will produce an error, unless the second argument (stopOnDups) is set to FALSE. So generally rules need to be cleared before being reloaded. (For finer replacement see the RuleTable object.) Typically, loading the rules is done in three steps:

  1. Load in the rules from a JSON file: ruleList <- lapply( fromJSON( filename , FALSE), parseRule). The function parseRule creates a rule object from the output of fromJSON.

  2. Clear the old rules using eng$clearAllRules().

  3. Load the new rules using eng$loadRules(ruleList).

Second, the search for applicable rules can use standard database queries. The function $findRules() searches the database for rules matching the supplied details. Note that the EIEngine version of this function differs from the RuleTable version in that it accepts a string as input to for the context field and finds a context object to match, while the RuleTable version expects an object of class Context. The phase argument is optional. The first version of the main loop, used the database to separate out rules of different types. However, this was rather inefficient when there were not applicable methods for a rule (the most common case). The current version now searches for rules that would be applicable in any phase of processing and then separates the resulting rule lists.

The $findRules() and rule processing functions do a fair amount of logging, so they can be debugged by setting flog.threshold to a lower value. At the DEBUG level, the number of rules returned for each event is logged. At the TRACE level, the queries used as well as the names of the returned rules are logged.

Context Sets

Rules must be applicable to both the current event and in the current Status. The verb and object fields of the rule can either be a constant, which is matched as an exact string, or the special constant “ALL” which indicates that the rule is applicable to all verbs or objects.

For Contexts, a second intermediate level is introduced: the context set. The context object defines which context sets it belongs to through the belongsTo field. Context objects are stored in the database and are matched to the context field of events using the name field. (The context field of events is trimmed on input to prevent issues with mismatches caused by trailing spaces, see buildMessage.)

The field $contexts is a link to a ContextSet class which contains all of the contexts. The function $getContext() which takes the name of the context as an argument, calls matchContext to find the context object, and returns the context object. Note that if the string is not matched, it will behave like a context which only belongs to the universal context set “ALL”.

Contexts are loaded by parsing a context matrix, a data.frame with the following columns: cid (character, required), number (numeric, required), name (character, optional) and doc (character, required). Additional columns should represent context sets, and should be 1 if the context row is in the set column and 0 otherwise. See loadContexts for an example. A special context with number 0 and cid “*INITIAL*” is required to represent the initial state when the player first logs into the system. The method $addContexts() adds the contexts in the matrix to the system. The method $clearContexts() removes existing contexts.

A typical initialization has the following steps:

  1. Load the context set from a datafile: conMat <- read.csv(filename).

  2. Create the initial context: initCon <- data.frame(CID="*INITIAL*", Name="*INITIAL*", Number=0).

  3. Clear Old contexts: eng$clearContexts().

  4. Load context mattrix: eng$addContexts(conMat).

  5. Load initial context: eng$addContexts(initCon).

Status and Default Status

The $userReocrds field of the engine points to a UserRecordSet collection. This is a set of Status records for the students. Once again, it is stored in the database to give the status persistence across invocations of the engine.

The method $getStatus() fetches a status from the database for the specified user. If no status is found, then the method $newUser() is called to create the inital status. This will look for a status for a user called “*DEFAULT*”, and will copy that status if available. Otherwise, a blank status (one with the timers, flags and obsservables fields empty.

The method $saveStatus() saves the status back to the database. Note that the return value should be captured, as this will update the _id (see m_id) field of the record. The method $clearStatusRecords(clearDefault) will remove old status records, so that all players start fresh. With the argument set to true, it will also remove the default record.

The following steps can be used to set up the default record.

  1. Clear old records including default: eng$clearStatusRecords(TRUE).

  2. Create a new blank status: defaultRec <- eng$newUser("*DEFAULT*").

  3. Initialize fields on that record:

    • Flag: flag(defaultRec, name ) <- value.

    • Observable: obs(defaultRec, name ) <- value.

    • Timers: timer(defaultRec, name ) <- Timer( name).

  4. Save it back to the database: defaultRec <- eng$saveStatus(defaultRec).

Listeners and Messages

The output of the EI process is through the Listener objects. The $listenerSet field holds an object of class ListenerSet which in turn holds the listeners. When a trigger rule fires, the !send predicate creates a message which is then sent to the ListenerSet though the notifyListeners method. This, in turn, calls the receiveMessage method on each of the listeners.

If the dburi field in the ListenerSet is set, then the ListenerSet maintains a connection to the Messages (or other named) collection in the database used by the EIEngine. In this case, all messages are logged to this database. The listeners, in contrast, generally only record messages whose message matches a given criteria. Many of the listeners connect to a database other than the internal one: They could either insert messages in the queue for another process or update a record in a database that tracks player status.

The CaptureListener is particularly useful for testing. It stores all messages in a list and has a specific method for viewing the latest one.

Main Event Loop

The goal of the EIEngine is to act as a server process. It continually scans the event queue, looking for unprocessed events. It processes the oldest unprocessed event, marks it as processed and then looks for the next event. If no unprocessed events are found it sleeps for a bit and then tries again. The field $waittime is the amount of time in seconds that the main loop will wait before checking again.

The function mainLoop implements the main processing loop. Generally, it should be the last call in a script for running the process (see EIEvent.R in the config subdirectory of the package for an example). It terminates under one of three conditions: (1) When the event queue is empty, it checks the $stopWhenFinished() method which checks the flag in the AuthorizedApps collection in the Proc4 database. If the function returns false, the main loop will terminate. (2) The $processN field is decremented with every event processed. If it is given a finite value (the default is infinity) then it will process that many records and then stop. (3) If the $shouldHalt() method returns true, the process stops rather than go onto the next method. (This allows for an emergency shutdown if an error is found in the configuration).

Running mainLoop with $processN set to a positive integer is useful for testing. In one mode a collection of events can be read into the database from a test file, then the $processN field can be set to the number of new events (see EIEvent.R for an example). This will then run the test events and then stop. Alternatively, $processN can be set to a number lower than the total number of events and then the logging threshold can be set higher, or the processing can be run step by step to isolate problematic events.

Logging and Error Handling

Logging is handled using the flog.logger framework. This provides a large number of tools for specifying the details of the logging. The EIEngine executes the rules in the withFlogging environment. This means that the default behavior for rules which generate errors is to log the error and move to the next rule. The error message is also added to the event in the event database (markAsError).

The amount of logging done, particularly the amount of detail supplied, is controled by the flog.threshold function. The amount of detail provided at various levels is as follows:

  • The results of checkCondition are reported.

  • The specific rules found from each query are reported.

  • A message is logged as each rule is run.

  • When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.

  • Each event is logged as it is processed.

  • Rule searches are logged and the number of rules reported.

  • A message is logged when each phase starts.

  • A message is logged when the context changes.


Minimal information about which events are being processed is logged.

WARN and above

If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.

When running the EIEngine as a server, generally the logging should be done as a file. This can be done by running: flog.appender(appender.file(logfile)). When running in interactive mode, it may be useful to have log messages sent to both the console and the log file. The command for this is: flog.appender(appender.file(logfile)).

Test Sets

This is mostly a placeholder for future capability. Along with the rules, which are after all a program, there should be a test suite. The goal is to provide a collection of tests, so that the test suite can be rerun when rules are modified, creating a unit testing facility for the EI-Event language.

This has not yet been implemented, but the function testRuleScript provides a mechanism for writing test scripts.


The EIEngine uses the flog.logger system. In particular, setting the threshold for the “EIEvent” logger, will change the amount of information sent to the log file.



Object of class character. This is the long url-like name of the application. Note that it is a key to all of the database lookup.s


Object of class character giving the URI for the link to the Mongo database


Object of class character giving the name of the user database


Name of the database which contains the AuthorizedApps collection used to start and stop the engine.


Object of class MongoDB referencing the AuthorizedApps collection used to start and stop the engine. This field should not be referenced directly, instead, the $admindb() should be used as it will initialize the connection if needed.


The number of seconds to wait before rechecking the queue when it is empty.


Object of class UserRecordSet giving the user record set for the applcation.


Object of class RuleTable giving the rule set for the application


Object of class ContextSet giving the set of contexts supported by the application.


Object of class MongoDB a mongo DB connection which allows access to events. Note that this is created when first requested, so should be accessed using the eventsdb() method.


Object of class TestSet give a collection of tests for the rule system.


Object of class ListenerSet giving the registered listeners for messages sent by the system.


An integer counting how many events the mainLoop should process before stopping. If infinite, the main loop will not stop until the authorized app flag is cleared.

Class-Based Methods

initialize(app, listenerSet, dburi, dbname, admindbname, waittime, processN, ...):

This method sets up the object. Note that the listeners object is passed in as an argument, as are the database credentials.


Returns a handle to the AuthorizedApps collection in the Proc4 database. Initializes if needed.


Returns true if the active flag is set on this applicaiton (app) in the AuthorizedApps collection.


Sets the active flag to true for this app in the AuthorizedApps collection.


Clears the active flag to true for this app in the AuthorizedApps collection.


This function checks the database to see whether or not the flag is set to cause the process to halt after processing the current record..


This function checks the database to see whether or not the flag is set to cause the process to stop when the event queue is empty.


Provides a short string identifying the engine.


Generates a new student record. (Call to UserRecordSet$newStudent())


Feteches the current status for a student from the database. (Call to UserRecordSet$getStatus())


Saves an updated status to the database. (Call to UserRecordSet$saveStatus())


Clears the status records, including the default record if the argument is TRUE. (Call to UserRecordSet$clearAll()).


This is a call to matchContext.


This is a call to loadContexts.


This is a call to ContextSet$clearAll().


This returns the event database handle, creating it if it is not yet created. It is recommended to use this method rather than access the slot directly.


This sets the processed flag on its argument and updates the database.


This sets the processingError flag on mess to e and updates the database..


This returns the unprocessed event with the oldest timestamp, or NULL if there are no unprocessed events.

findRules(verb, object, context, phase=NULL):

This function finds the potentially applicable for the current verb, object, context and phase. If phase==NULL, the get rules for all phases.

loadRules(rlist, stopOnDups):

This function loads rules into the rule table using loadRulesFromList.

loadAndTest(script, stopOnDups):

This function loads rules into the rule table from test scripts using testAndLoad.


A different EIEninge process is associated with each application (application ID), so different applicaitons can run in parallel. More sophisticated concurancy checking is not currently available.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

There is a “quick start” document which describes how to set up the engine. This is available at

See Also

The function EIEngine tells about the construction and the relationship between the Engine and the database.

The primary classes in the EIEvent system are: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.

The EIEngine class is a container for the following classes: UserRecordSet, RuleTable, ContextSet, TestSet and ListenerSet,




Class "EITest"


An object describing a test case for a certain evidence identification system. It describes the input state, the event and the target output state so that the interaction of the rules can be checked.

Objects from the Class

An EITest object consists of a test. The test case has an initial Status, a triggering Event, and an expected result Status. If the goal is intead to check output messages, the result can be a P4Message or a list of such messages.

Objects can be created by calls of the form EITest(...), or from JSON through parseEITest.



Object of class "character", the internal mongo identifier.


Object of class "character", the unique identifier for the application to which this belongs.


Object of class "character", a human readable name for the test, used in reporting.


Object of class "character", a documentation string describing the test.


Object of class Status which describes the initial state of the system before the test.


Object of class Event which describes the incoming event to which the system is reacting.


Object of class Status which describes the expected final state of the system after applying the rules, or an object of class P4Message describing the generated message.



signature(obj = "EITest", ml = "list"): helper function for converting the test into a JSON object, see as.json.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns the documenation string.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns the triggering event for the test.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns the expected final state of the system.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns the initial state of the test.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns the name of the test.


signature(object = "EITest"): Displays the rule object.


signature(x = "EITest"): Returns a string describing the rule.


Russell G. Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

See Also

The functions EITest and parseEITest are used to construct the rule.

The functions name, doc, initial, event, and final access the components of the test.

The TestSet maintains a collection of tests for a particular application.



Event object constructor


The Event funciton is the constructor for the Event object. As Event objects are usually read from a database or other input stream, the parseEvent function is recreates an event from a JSON list.


Event(uid, verb, object = "", timestamp = Sys.time(), details = list(),
      app = "default", context = "", processed = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'Event,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character scalar identifying the examinee or player.


A character scalar identifying the action which triggered the event.


A character scalar identifying the direct object of the verb.


An object of class POSIXt which provides the time at which the event occurred.


A named list of detailed data about the the event. The available fields will depend on the app, verb and object.


A character scalar providing a unique identifier for the application (game or assessment). This defines the available vocabulary for verb and object, as well as the set of applicable Rule objects.


A character string describing the task, item or game level during which the event occurred. It could be blank if the context needs to be figured out from surrounding events.


A logical flag. Set to true after the event has been processed by the EIEngine.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class Event to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code.


Most of the details about the Event object, and how it works is documented under Event-class.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the function as.json.

The parseEvent function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to an event object. It is designed to be given as an argument to getOneRec and getManyRecs.


The functions Event and parseEvent return objects of class event. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the JSON layout of the Event objects.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

HT2Labs (2018). Learning Locker Documentation.

See Also

Event describes the event object.

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system. In particular, as Event extends P4Message, the Event method for as.jlist calls the P4Message method.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseEvent to extract events from a database.


ev1 <- Event("Phred","test","message",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),
ev2 <- Event("Phred","wash","window",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:02:01"),
ev3 <- Event("Fred","open","can",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:03:01"),

ev1a <- parseEvent(ununboxer(as.jlist(ev1,attributes(ev1))))
ev2a <- parseEvent(ununboxer(as.jlist(ev2,attributes(ev2))))
ev3a <- parseEvent(ununboxer(as.jlist(ev3,attributes(ev3))))

stopifnot(all.equal(ev1,ev1a), all.equal(ev2,ev2a), all.equal(ev3,ev3a))

## Not run:  #Requires test DB setup.
testcol <- mongolite::mongo("Messages",
                 url="mongodb://test:[email protected]:27017/test")
## Mongodb is the protocol
## user=test, password =secret
## Host = -- localhost
## Port = 27017 -- Mongo default
## db = test
## collection = Messages
testcol$remove('{}')  ## Clear everything for test.

ev1 <- saveRec(ev1,testcol)
ev2 <- saveRec(ev2,testcol)
ev3 <- saveRec(ev3,testcol)

ev1b <- getOneRec(buildJQuery("_id"=ev1@"_id"),testcol,parseEvent)
ev23 <- getManyRecs(buildJQuery("uid"="Phred"),testcol,parseEvent)
stopifnot(all.equal(ev1,eb1b), length(ev23)==2L)

## End(Not run)

Class "Event"


This class represents a generalize event happening in a simulation or a game. All events have common metadata which identify what happened (verb), what was effected (object), the time of the action (timestamp) as well as the application app and user (uid). However, the details field of the event will differ dependiing on the app, verb, and object.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls the the Event function, although more typically they are passed to the EIEngine by the presentation process.

The event object is a simplifcation of the xAPI events (Betts and Ryan, 2018). In particular, in the xAPI format, both the verb and object fields are complex objects which have a long URL-like identifier to make sure they are unique across applications. In the EIEvent prototocl, only the app field is given a long URL-like name. The application should define the acceptable vocabulary for verbs and objects, which should correpsond to the verb and object fields of the Rule objects.



Object of class "character" which provides an identifier for the action which just occurred.


Object of class "character" which provides an identifier for the direct object of the action which just occured.


Object of class "character" the Mongo database identifier; this should not be modified.


Object of class "character" a unique identifier for the application. This defines which EIEngine is used to handle the event.


Object of class "character" identifier for the user (student or examinee).


Object of class "character" an identifier for the context, for applications in which the context is determined by the presentation process.


Object of class "character" the name of the process which generated the event, usually the presentation process.


Object of class "character" a title for the message, used by the P4Message dispatch system.


Object of class "POSIXt" giving the time at which the event occurred.


Object of class "list" giving the contents of the message. This will be details specific to the verb and object.


Class "P4Message", directly. All fields except verb and object are inherited from the parent.

Note that the Event is the basic message sent from the presentation process to the evidence identification process in the four-process architecture (Almond, Steinberg and Mislevy, 2002). It has been extended slightly, borrowing (and simplifying) the verb and object header fields from the xAPI format (Almond, Shute, Tingir, and Rahimi, 2018).

Note that Physics Playground uses a slightly different architecture. The presentation uses Learning Locker (HT2Labs, 2018) to log events in the xAPI format into a mongo database. When the game level completes, a message is sent to the EIEngine which extracts the relevant messages from the Learning Locker database and simplifies them into the event format.



signature(obj = "Event", ml = "list"): ...


signature(x = "Event"): Fetches the object component.


signature(x = "Event"): Fetches the verb component.


signature(object = "Event"): Prints event object.


signature(x = "Event"): Produces <> representation of object.


(target, current, ..., checkTimestamp=FALSE, check_ids=TRUE): (S3 method) Checks for equality. The checkTimestamp flag controls whether or not the timestamp is checked. The check_ids flag controls whether or not the database IDs are checked.


Russell Almond


Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

HT2Labs (2018). Learning Locker Documentation.

See Also

The event class is a subclass of P4Message.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Rule.

Methods for working with events: Event, parseEvent



Executes the predicate of an EIEvent Rule.


An Rule object contains a list of Predicates. The name of each condition is the name of an operator and its value is a list giving the field of the Status object to be modified as a name and a new value as the value. For example, "!incr"=c("state.flags.agentCount"=1) would increment the agent count flag by one. The value can also be a reference to fields in the Status or Event object. For example, "!set"=c("state.observables.trophy" = "") would set the value of the trophy observable to the value of the trophy datum in the event.


executePredicate(predicate, state, event)



A named list of actions: see details.


An object of class Status to be modified


An object of class Event which will be referenced in setting the values.


The predicate of a Rule is a list of actions to be taken when the rule is satisfied. Each action has the following form:


Here, field is an identifier of a field in the Status object being modified (the Event fields cannot be modified). This is in the dot notation (see setJS). The setting operator, !op is one of the operators described in Predicates. For the "!set" operator, the arg is the replacement value or field reference that the field will be used as the replacement value. Most of the other operators use arg to modify the value of field and then replace the value of field with the result. For example, the "!incr" operator acts much like the C += operator. The ... represents additional fieldarg pairs to be set.

The arg can be a literal value (either scalar or vector) or a reference to another field in the Status or Event object using the dot notation. Note that certain operations on timers use the timestamp field of the Event to update the timer.

In general, a predicate contains a list of actions. These are executed sequentially, but no guarentees are made about the order.

Finally, one special operator allows for expansion. For the "!setCall" operator, arg should be the name of a function, with arguments (name, state, event), where name is the name of the target field, and state and event are the current state and event objects. The value is set to the value returned.

See Predicates for more details.


The function executePredicate returns the modified status object.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Rule describes the rule object and Predicates describes the conditions. Conditions describes the condition part of the rule, and checkCondition checks the conditions.

The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 1",timerNames=c("learningsupports"),
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

ev <- Event("Phred","test","message",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),

## Set a flag and an observable.
st1 <- executePredicate(list("!set"=list("state.flags.agent"="ramp",

## Set a timer
st1 <- executePredicate(list("!set"=
   timerRunning(st1,"learningsupports",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
   timerTime(st1,"learningsupports",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:11"))==

## Delete fields
st1 <- executePredicate(
  list("!unset"=list("state.flags.noobj"="NA", # Set to NA
                     "state.flags.lastagent"="NULL", # Set to NULL
                     "state.flags.noagents"="Delete")), # Delete it. 

## Modify fields.
st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!incr" = list("state.flags.noagents"=1,
   timerTime(st1,"learningsupports",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:11"))==

st2 <- executePredicate(
   list("!decr" = list("state.flags.noagents"=1,
   timerTime(st2,"learningsupports",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:11"))==

st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!mult" = list("state.flags.noobj"=2)),st,ev)
st2 <- executePredicate(
   list("!div"  = list("state.flags.noobj"=2)),st1,ev)

st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!min"  = list("state.flags.noobj"=5)),st,ev)
st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!max"  = list("state.flags.noagents"=1)),st,ev)

## Set operators
st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!addToSet" =list("state.flags.agentlist"="lever")),st,ev)
st2 <- executePredicate(
   list("!addToSet" =list("state.flags.agentlist"="springboard")),st1,ev)

st3 <- executePredicate(
   list("!pullFromSet" =list("state.flags.agentlist"="lever")),st2,ev)

st1 <- executePredicate(
   list("!push"=list("state.flags.objects"="Object 1")), st,ev)
stopifnot(flag(st1,"objects")=="Object 1")

st2 <- executePredicate(
       #Pop first object off the stack and set lastObject to its value.
stopifnot(flag(st2,"lastObject")=="Object 1",

myOp <- function(name,state,event) {

st1 <- executePredicate(
       #Set value to return value of myOp.

stx <- Status("Phred","Level 1",timerNames=c("learningsupports"),
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

eve <- Event("001c1","initialized","newMoneyEarned",
             timestamp=as.POSIXct("2019-04-29 15:34:35.761500"),
             details=list(gameLevelId="Down Hill",
                          ), context="Down Hill")

stx1 <- executePredicate(

Accessor functions for context objects.


These are basic accessor functions for the fields of an object of class Status. Note that both the flgs and observables fields of the Status object are named lists. The functions flag(x,name) and obs(x,name) access a single component of those objects.


flag(x, name)
## S4 method for signature 'Status'
flag(x, name)
flag(x, name) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Status'
flag(x, name) <- value
obs(x, name)
## S4 method for signature 'Status'
obs(x, name)
obs(x, name) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Status'
obs(x, name) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'Status'
## S4 method for signature 'Status'



A Status object whose fields will be accessed.


The name of the component for a flag or obs field.


The replacement value for the field.


The functions flag and obs return the named component of the flags or observables field of x respectively. If no component will the given name exists, they return NULL.

The functions app, context, timestamp and oldContext return the value of the corresponding field of x.

The setter methods return the modified Status object.


Russell Almond

See Also

Status describes the state object. See context, context<-, and oldContext for other accessor methods shared by context and other objects.

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS provide mechanisms for accessing the fields of a status object from Rule Conditions and Predicates.

The following functions access the timer fields of the state object. timer, timerTime, timerRunning, setTimer


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames="watch",
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

  uid(st) == "Phred",
  context(st)=="Level 0",
  oldContext(st)=="Level 0",
  all.equal(timestamp(st),as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

context(st) <- "Level 1"
  context(st)=="Level 1",
  oldContext(st)=="Level 0")

flag(st,"numeric") <- 17L

flag(st,"list")$two <- "two"

obs(st,"vector")[2] <- 2

Gets a field from an object in Javascript notation.


Fields of a Status can be accessed using JavaScript notation, e.g., state.flags.field, state.observables.field,or Similarly, fields of an Event can be referenced using event.verb, event.object,, or event.timestamp. The function getJS fetches the current value of the referenced field from the state or event object.


getJS(field, state, event)



A character scalar describing the field to be referenced (see details).


An object of type Status giving the current status of the user in the system.


An object of type Event giving the event being processed.


A collection object to be accessed. The object implmenting state.flags, state.observables or event.details, or one of sub-components.


The successive field names as a vector of characters (split at the ‘.’ and excluding the initial state.flags, state.observables or event.details.


Both the Conditions and Predicates of Rule objects need to reference parts of the current state and event. As these rules are typically written in JSON, it is natural to reference the parts of the Status and Event objects using javascript notation. Javascript, like R, is a weakly typed language, and so javascript objects are similar to R lists: a named collection of values. A period, ‘.’, is used to separate the object from the field name, similar to the way a ‘$’ is used to separate the field name from the object reference when working with R lists. If the object in a certain field is itself an object, a succession of dots. Thus a typical reference looks like: object.field.subfield and so forth as needed.

In EIEvent rules, only two objects can be referenced: state, the current Status, and event, the current Event. Therefore, all dot notation field references must start with either state or event. Furthermore, Status and Event objects have only a certain number of fields so only those fields can be referenced.

The event object has one field which can contain arbitrary collections, The state object has two state.flags and state.observables. (The state also contains a collection of timer objects, state.timers, which has special rules described below.) Each of these is a named collection (list in R), and components can be refenced by name. The expressions “”, “”, and “” reference an object named name in the data field of the event, or the flags or observables field of the state respectively. Note that the available components of these lists fields will depend on the context of the simulation and the verb and object of the event.

The fields of, state.flags and state.observables could also be multipart objects (i.e., R lists). Additional dots can be used to reference the subcomponents. Thus “” references the x-coordinate of the position object in the event data. These dots can be nested to an aribrary depth.

The fields of, state.flags. and state.observables. can also contain unnamed vectors (either character, numeric, or list). In this case square brackets can be used to index the elements by position. Indexes start at 1, as in R. For example, “state.flags.agentList[3]” references the third value in the agentList flag of the status. Currently only numeric indexes are allowed, variable references are not, nor can sublists be selected.

The function getJSfield is an internal function which is used to access components. It is called recursively to access fields which are themselves lists or vectors.


The value of getJS the the contents of the referenced field. If the referenced field does not exist, or the reference is not well formed, then an error is signaled.

Fields of the Event object.

The following expressions reference the fields of the Event object.

  • event.verb The verb associated with the current event.

  • event.object The object associated with the current event.

  • event.timestamp The time at which the event occurred.

  • The value of the extra data field named field.

The following additional fields can also be referenced, but are seldom used. In many cases, these fields are handled by the EIEngine before rule processing begins, so their values are irrelevant.

  • The application ID associated with the current event..

  • event.context The simulator context of the current event as recorded by the presentation process.

  • event.uid The user ID of the student or player.

  • event.message The message sent from the presentation process. (Often something like “New Event”.)

Fields of the Status object.

The following fields of the Status object can be referenced.

  • state.context The current context that the state object is in.

  • state.oldContext The the context of the state at the end of the previous event. In particular, this can be compared to the context to check if the context has changed as a result of the event.

  • state.observables.field The value of the observable named field.

  • state.timers.field The the timer named field. Note that state.timers.field.time or .value refers to the current elapsed time of the timer, and or .running is a logical value which refers to whether or not the timer is running.

  • state.flags.field The value of the observable named field.

The following additional fields are also recognized, but again they are primarily for use in the EIEngine.

  • state.uid The user ID of the student or player. (Should be the same of that of the event.)

  • state.timestamp The timestamp of the last event encorporated into the status.


The state.timers field holds a named list of objects of class Timer. These behave as if they have two settable subfields: running (or run) and time (or value).

The running (or run) virtual field is a logical field: TRUE indicates running and FALSE indicates paused. Setting the value of the field will cause the timer to resume (start) or pause depending on the value.

The time (or value) field gives the elapsed time of the timer. Setting the field to zero will reset the timer to zero, setting it to another value will adjust the time.


It is clear that some kind of indirect reference (i.e., using variables, either integer or character, inside of the square brackects) is needed. This may be implemented in a future version.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The functions setJS for setting fields and removeJS for removing fields (only allowed with state objects). This function is called from the functions checkCondition and executePredicate.

The help files Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions of rule syntax.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames="watch",
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))
context(st) <- "Level 1"

ev <- Event("Phred","test","message",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),

getJS("state.context",st,ev)=="Level 1",
getJS("state.oldContext",st,ev)=="Level 0",


timerTime(st,"watch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01")) <-
timerRunning(st,"watch", as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01")) <- TRUE

## Note that value of a running timer references difference between
## internal start time and current time as recorded by the event.

getJS("event.timestamp",st,ev)==as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),

Does the processing for a new event.


This function finds the appropriate rules for handling an event then runs them. It is the core function for the EIEngine.


handleEvent(eng, event)
processEvent(eng, state, event)



An object of class EIEngine which will process the event.


An object of class Status that will be updated by the rules processing the event.


An object of class Event that will be processed.


The function processEvent first calls eng$findRules to find rules appropriate for the event. If no rules exist, it returns NULL (indicating that the state has not changed and does not need to be saved.). If there are rules, then the following functions are run in sequence:

  1. runStatusRules: update internal status variables (flags and timers).

  2. runObservableRules: update external status variables (observables).

  3. runContextRules: check to see if the context (game level) has changed.

  4. runTriggerRules: run rules to general messages for other processes if necessary.

  5. runResetRules: resets the state for the beginning of a new context.

It then updates the timestamp and returns the modified status. If an error occurs during any of the steps, then an object of class try-error is returned (see withFlogging).

The function handleEvent first finds the current status for the user from the UserRecordSet linked to the engine. It then runs processEvent, and then if necessary it saves the updated status.


The function processEvent returns NULL if there were no applicable rules, an object of class Status if the rules executed correctly and an object of class try-error if processing the rules generated an error.

The function handleEvent returns the current Status if the handling was successful and an object of class try-error in an error was generated.


This function uses the flog.logger mechanism. The following information is reported at various thresholds:

  • The results of checkCondition are reported.

  • The specific rules found from each query are reported.

  • A message is logged as each rule is run.

  • When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.

  • Each event is logged as it is processed.

  • Rule searches are logged and the number of rules reported.

  • A message is logged when each phase starts.

  • A message is logged when the context changes.

INFO and above

If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions. The functions checkCondition and executePredicate run the condition and predicate parts of the rule. The functions runRule and runTRule run the indivual rules, and the functions runTriggerRules, runStatusRules, runObservableRules, runResetRules, and runContextRules run sets of rules.

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class RuleTest stores a rule test.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


## Not run: 
app <- "ecd://"
loglevel <- "DEBUG"
cleanFirst <- TRUE
eventFile <- "/home/ralmond/Projects/EvidenceID/c081c3.core.json"
## Adjust the path here as necessary

## Setup Listeners
listeners <- lapply(names(EI.listenerSpecs),
                    function (ll),EI.listenerSpecs[[ll]]))
names(listeners) <- names(EI.listenerSpecs)
if (interactive()) {
  cl <- new("CaptureListener")
  listeners <- c(listeners,cl=cl)
EIeng.params <-

  EIeng.params$listenerSet <-
    ListenerSet(sender= sub("<app>",sapp,EI.config$sender),
                dbname=EIeng.local$dbname, dburi=EIeng.local$dburi,
  EIeng.params$app <- app

## Make the EIEngine
eng <-,EIeng.params)

## Process Event file if supplied
if (!is.null(eventFile)) {
  ## Count the number of unprocessed events
  NN <- eng$eventdb()$count(buildJQuery(app=app(eng),processed=FALSE))

for (n in 1L:NN) {
  eve <- eng$fetchNextEvent()
  out <- handleEvent(eng,eve)

## End(Not run)

Loads a set of contexts from a matrix description


The easiest way to load a set of Context objects is from a matrix of cross references. There are columns corresponding to the fixed fields of the context object (cid,number, name and doc). The other columns are logical variables that refer to context sets, which take on a true value when the context represented by the row belongs to the set represented by the column.


loadContexts(conmat, set, app)



A matrix representing a collection of contexts, see details.


Either a ContextSet object, or a list to which the new contexts will be added.


A character scalar giving the name of the application; used in constructing the contexts.


A context matrix is a data.frame with the following columns: cid (character, required), number (numeric, required), name (character, optional) and doc (character, required). The cid and number fields should also be unique across all the entries as they serve as indexes for the ContextSet object. The name column if omitted defaults to the cid (the difference is that the name is designed to be more human readable). The doc if omitted produces an empty documentation string. The remaining columns are logical and are indicators for set membership.

The following is an example context matrix:

cid number name doc Set1 Subset1.1 Set2
[,1] Set1 -100 "Set 1" "A context set" 0 0 0
[,2] Subset1.1 -110 "Subet 1.1" "A subset of Set 1" 1 0 0
[,3] Set2 -200 "Set 2" "Another context set" 0 0 0
[,4] Task1 100 "First Task" "A task beloning to Set 1" 1 0 0
[,5] Task1a 101 "First Task Variant" "A task beloning to Subet 1.1" 1 1 0
[,6] Task2 200 "Second Task" "A task beloning to Set 2" 0 0 1

A couple things to note about this matrix. First, both actual contexts and context sets are represented (the are both represented internally by Context objects. The names of the extra columns correspond to the names of the context sets. If the database is used to store contexts, it recommended to give sets a negative number and actual contexts positive numbers. If a list is used, then the numbers need to be list indexes, and so should be low numbers.

Also, the belongsTo relationship is not transitive (or at least the transitive implications are not computed), so Task1a must have both set and subset memebership defined.

The code loops through the rows of the table, and creates a new context for each row. This is then added to the set argument. If an existing context of the same cid and number exists, it is replaced, otherwise a new one is added. If the context is replacing an old one, the old one should have both the same name and number as the replacement. The method for updateContext for a ContextSet object (called by loadContexts) checks for this inconsistency; the list method does not.

The matrix is to represent the entire context set, calling clearContexts before loading the matrix should eliminate conflicts.


The modified set argument is returned. This is either a list or a ContextSet.


The ContextSet class is a reference class. Therefore, this function destructively modifieds the database associated with the set.

The list is an ordinary R functional class, and the function behaves in a functional manner when called with a list as a set.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

See Also

Context describes the context object, and ContextSet describes the context set object.

The functions matchContext, updateContext and clearContexts are used to manipulate context sets.


## Not run:  # Requires Mongo DB
conmat <- read.csv(file.path(library(help="EIEvent")$path,"testScripts",

conmat1 <- conmat
conmat1$Number <- 1:nrow(conmat) ## List style needs small integer indexes.
setlist <- loadContexts(conmat1,list(),"ecd://")

testSet <- newContextSet(app="ecd://",

c1 <- matchContext(28L,testSet)
c2 <- matchContext("Stairs",testSet)

## End(Not run)

Functions for loading rules into database.


These functions load rules into a RuleTable (or the database for a EIEngine). The function testAndLoad also runs the test suite as the rules are loaded.


loadRulesFromList(set, rulelist, stopOnDups = TRUE)
testAndLoad(set, filename, stopOnDups = FALSE)



An object of class RuleTable into which the rules will be loaded.


A list of Rule objects.


A logical value which controls how names with duplicate values will be treated. If true, then an error will be signaled if the rule to be added has the same name as one in the database. If false, the old rule will be replaced.


A file which contains a number of RuleTest objects in JSON format (see testRule). The tests will be run, and if successful the rules will be extracted and loaded.


The loadRulesFromList function is more often called from the $loadRules() method of the EIEngine class. The easiest way to maintain the rules is by a series of one or more JSON files. These can be read using:

rulelist <- lapply(jsonlite::fromJSON("rulefile.json",FALSE), parseRule)

With stopOnDups==FALSE, the functions will issue warnings when they are replacing rules, especially if the versions are different. However, it is probably easier to first clear out the old rules when replacing the rules. This can be done with the $clearAll() method of the RuleTable class or the the $clearAllRules() method of the EIEngine class.

The testAndLoad variant is not yet fully tested, but the idea is that the file would be a test script of the kind that could be tested with testRuleScript. It will run the tests, and load the rules only if the tests pass. (Note that as a rule could have multiple tests, it will be loaded if any of the tests pass.)


Both of these function return the set argument invisibly.


The testAndLoad variant is not fully tested.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

There is a “quick start” document which describes how to set up the engine. This is available at

See Also

See Rule and parseRule for the rule object. See RuleTable for the rule collection object and EIEngine for the full engine.


## Not run: 
rls <- RuleTable$new("ecd://","test",
sRules <- lapply(jsonlite::fromJSON(file.path(config.dir, "Rules",

## End(Not run)

Runs the EIEngine as a server.


The mainLoop is used when the EIEngine is used as a server. It checks the database, for unprocessed Event objects, and calls handleEvent on them in the order of their timestamps. As a server, this is potentially an infinite loop, see details for ways of gracefully terminating the loop.





An instance of EIEngine which will be used as a server.


The EIEngine class uses the Events collection in the database (eng$eventdb()) as a queue. All events have a processed field which is set to true when the event is processed. Thus the main loop iterates over the following three statements:

  1. Fetch the oldest unprocessed Event: eve <- eng$fetchNextEvent().

  2. Process the event: out <- handleEvent(eng,eve). (Note: this expression will always return. If it generates an error, the error will be logged and an object of class try-error will be returned.)

  3. Mark the event as processed: eng$setProcessed(eve).

At its simplest level, the funciton produces an infinite loop over these three statements, with some additional steps related to logging and control.

Before processsing the next field, the mainLoop checks the eng$shouldHalt() method to see if a halt signal has been sent (by setting the EIsignal field in the AuthorizedApps collection to “halt”).

If the event queue is empty, the process sleeps for a time given by eng$waittime and then checks the queue again. At the same time, it checks status of the active flag for the process using the eng$stopWhenFinished() call. By default this checks the EIsignal field of the record corresponding to app(eng) in the collection AuthorizedApps in the database Proc4. Setting that field to “finish” manually will result in the mainLoop terminating when the queue is empty. As R is running in server mode when this happens, this often needs to be done using an external process. The following command issues from the Mongo shell will shut down the server for an application containing the string "appName" as part of its name.

db.AuthorizedApps.update({app:{$regex:"appName"}}, {$set:{EIsignal:"finish"}});

To facilitate testing, the field eng$processN can be set to a finite value. This number is decremented at every cycle, and when it reaches 0, the mainLoop is terminated, whether or not their are any remaining events to be processed. Setting eng$processN to an infinite value, will result in an infinite loop that can only be stopped by using the active flag (or interrupting the process).


There is no return value. The function is used entirely for its side effects.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

There is a “quick start” document which describes how to set up the engine. This is available at

See Also

The class EIEngine describes the setup of the engine, and the function handleEvent describes the processing that occurs for each event.


## Not run: 
## From EIEvent.R script
app <- "ecd://"
loglevel <- "DEBUG"
cleanFirst <- TRUE
eventFile <- "/home/ralmond/Projects/EvidenceID/c081c3.core.json"

## Initialization details (from EIini.R script)
EIeng.common <- list(host="localhost",username="EI",password="secret",
appstem <- basename(app)
EIeng.params <- list(app=app)
logfile <- file.path("/usr/local/share/Proc4/logs",
EI.listenerSpecs <-
            colname="EvidenceSets",messSet="New Observables"))

## Setup logging
if (interactive()) {
} else {
## Setup Listeners
listeners <- lapply(names(EI.listenerSpecs),
                    function (ll),EI.listenerSpecs[[ll]]))
names(listeners) <- names(EI.listenerSpecs)
if (interactive()) {
  cl <- new("CaptureListener")
  listeners <- c(listeners,cl=cl)
EIeng.params <-

EIeng.params$listenerSet <-
    ListenerSet(sender= sub("<app>",sapp,EI.config$sender),
                dbname=EIeng.local$dbname, dburi=EIeng.local$dburi,
EIeng.params$app <- app

## Make the EIEngine
eng <-,EIeng.params)

## Clean out old records from the database.
if (cleanFirst) {
  eng$userRecords$clearAll(FALSE)   #Don't clear default
  for (lis in eng$listenerSet$listeners) {
    if (is(lis,"UpdateListener") || is(lis,"InjectionListener"))
## Process Event file if supplied
if (!is.null(eventFile)) {
  ## Count the number of unprocessed events
  NN <- eng$eventdb()$count(buildJQuery(app=app(eng),processed=FALSE))
if (!is.null(eventFile)) {
  ## This can be set to a different number to process only a subset of events.
  eng$processN <- NN
## Activate engine (if not already activated.)

## Depending on value of NN, this may not terminate!

## End(Not run)

Find or replace contexts in a context set


The function matchContext finds a context by string or numeric id. The function updateContext adds a new context to a set or replaces an existing one (see details). The function clearContext clears all contexts associated with this application.


matchContext(id, set)
## S4 method for signature 'character,ContextSet'
matchContext(id, set)
## S4 method for signature 'numeric,ContextSet'
matchContext(id, set)
## S4 method for signature 'character,list'
matchContext(id, set)
## S4 method for signature 'numeric,list'
matchContext(id, set)
updateContext(con, set)
## S4 method for signature 'Context,ContextSet'
updateContext(con, set)
## S4 method for signature 'Context,list'
updateContext(con, set)
## S4 method for signature 'ContextSet'
## S4 method for signature 'list'



This should be either a character or numeric scalar giving the cid or number of the desired context.


This should be an object of type Context to be added or replaced.


This should either be an object of type ContextSet or a list.


The functions are for manipulating collections of contexts. The robust way to implement a context set is to use the ContextSet class, which is an interface to database with dual indexes: one on cid and app and one on number and app. Thus each application maintains its own set of contexts in the same database.

A lightweight implementation can be made using a list with names corresponding to the cid and position in the list corresponding to number. This representation is primarily intended for testing.

The function matchContext is polymorphic on both its arguments. If the first argument is character, it searches based on context id, if the first argument is numeric, it searches based on numeric id (position in the list if the second argument is a list). If no matching context is found, it returns NULL. If the set is a ContextSet successes are logged at the DEBUG level, and failures at the INFO level.

The function updateContext performs a database update operation, that is it replaces the context in the set if it already exists, or adds the context to the set if it does not. If the set is a ContextSet it first checks for an existing context with that character and numeric id. If such a context exists it is replaced; otherwise a new context is added. However, if the new character and numeric ids reference different contexts, then a warning is logged and the contexts are not replaced. If the set is a list, then no checking is done. The context at the given numeric location is replaced and given the new name. This may produce errors or an inconsistent state.

The function clearContexts removes all of the contexts. In the case of the list, it merely returns an empty list. In the case of the ContextSet it removes all contexts with the application id of the set. Other applications should remain untouched.


The function matchContext returns an object of class Context if a class was found and NULL otherwise.

The functions updateContext and clearContexts return the (modified) set argument.


Note that these functions obey functional or reference semantics depending on the set argument. As ContextSet is a reference class, these functions modify the database and hence the results are propagated. However, if set is a list, then normal functional semantics are used, and the resulting modified list needs to be stored in an environment to make the modification permanent.


Russell Almond

See Also

Context, ContextSet, loadContexts


## Not run:  # Requires Mongo DB
conmat <- read.csv(file.path(library(help="EIEvent")$path,"testScripts",

conmat1 <- conmat
conmat1$Number <- 1:nrow(conmat) ## List style needs small integer indexes.
setlist <- loadContexts(conmat1,list(),"ecd://")


testSet <- newContextSet(app="ecd://",


## End(Not run)

Functions that modify state when rule is triggered.


A Rule contains both Conditions and Predicates. The latter is a list of operations which are run when the conditions are satisfied. The list of predicates has the form !op=list(target=arg,...). Here target is a reference to a field in the Status object which is modified by applying the !op to the current value of the target and the arg.


"!set"(predicate, state, event)
"!unset"(predicate, state, event)
"!incr"(predicate, state, event)
"!decr"(predicate, state, event)
"!mult"(predicate, state, event)
"!div"(predicate, state, event)
"!min"(predicate, state, event)
"!max"(predicate, state, event)
"!addToSet"(predicate, state, event)
"!pullFromSet"(predicate, state, event)
"!push"(predicate, state, event)
"!pop"(predicate, state, event)
"!start"(predicate, state, event)
"!reset"(predicate, state, event)
"!setKeyValue"(predicate, state, event)
"!setCall"(predicate, state, event)
"!send"(predicate, state, event)
"!send1"(predicate, state, event)
"!send2"(predicate, state, event)
modify(predicate, state, event, op)



This is a list of the form list(target1=arg1, target2=arg2, ...). It names the fields to be modified and the new values (or arguments used to compute the new values).


A Status object representing the current state of the simulation.


A Event object giving details of the current event. Used for dereferencing references in the arg.


A binary argument used to combine the value of the target and the arg for the modify function.


The predicate of a Rule is a list of operations. Each operation has the following form:


Here, target is an identifier of a field in the Status object being modified (targets in the Event object cannot be modified). The target field is in the dot notation (see setJS). The query operator, !op is one of the operations described in the section ‘Predicate Operators’. The arg is a value or field reference that will be used in calculating the new value for the target field. In other words, the statement is effectively of the form target !op arg. The ... represents additional targetarg pairs to be modified.

The arg can be a literal value (either scalar or vector) or a reference to another field in the Status or Event object using the dot notation.

In general, a predicate contains a list of operators and each operator contains a list of target=arg pairs. These are each executed sequentially; however, the order is not guarenteed. If order is important, use multiple rules with different priorities.

Finally, one special operator allows for expansion. For the !setCall operator, arg should be the name of a function, with arguments (name, state, event), where name is the name of the target field, and state and event are the current state and event objects. The value is set to the value returned.


An object of class Status with the target fields modified.

Predicate Operators

The following operators are supported:


This operator sets the field to the value of the argument. If the field is a flag or observable and does not exist, it is created. If it is a timer and does not exist, an error is signaled.


This is the inverse of the !set operator. If the arg in this expression is NULL, or NA, then the field will be set to that value. If arg is “Delete”, then the field will be removed.

!incr, !decr, !mult, !div, !min, !max

For all six of these, the current value of the field is replaced by the result of combining it with the value of the argument. The combination funcitons are ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, min, and max, respecitively.

!addToSet, !pullFromSet

These operators assume that the value of the field is a vector representing a set. The operator !addToSet adds the argument to the set (if it is not already present), and !pullFromSet removes the argument (if it is present).


This operators assumes that the value of the field is a named list representing an association (dictionary). The operator !setKeyValue expects its argument to have two fields: key: and value:. The association key=value is added to the set.


This assumes that the field is a vector which represents a stack. The new value is pushed onto the front of the stack.


This assumes that the field is a vector which represents a stack. The first value is removed from the stack. If the argument is a field reference, the field referenced in the argument is set to the popped value. If the arugment is numeric, then that many values are popped off the stack.

!start, !reset

In both cases, the field referenced should be a timer. With no argumets, the !start operator sets the time value to zero and sets the timer running and !reset sets the timer to zero and does not set it running. In both cases, if the timer of the name specified in the field does not exist, one is created. If either is given a logical argument, then the timer is set to running or not according to the argument, overriding the default behavior. If the operator is given a numeric or difftime argument, then the timer is set to that time. Finally, a argument which is a list with both a time (difftime value) and running (logical value) will put the timer in that state.

!send, !send1, !send2

Special predicate for trigger rules which builds messages to be sent to various listeners. The versions with the numbers are to allow for multiple messages (JSON complains if there are two fields with the same key.) See buildMessages.


This is a trap door which allows for arbitrary R code to be used to calculate the value of the field. The argument should be the name of a function with three arguments, the name of the field, the status and the event. The field will be set to the value returned by the function.

Setting Timers

Note that timers (see Timer) are treated specially. Each timer has a .run (or .running) subfield which is true if the timer is running and false if it is paused. It also has a .value (or .time) field which represents the elapsed time.

Timers can be set using the !set operator modifies the state of the timer. Setting the .run or .running subfield of the timer to a logical value will cause the timer to pause (FALSE) or resume (TRUE). Setting setting the the .time or .value will set the elapsed time. Similarly, the !incr, !decr, etc. operators can be used to change the time value.

The !start and !reset operations are synonyms for !set with some differences. First, both a running (or run) and value (or time) can be set at the same time. If only a real or POSIXt value is specified the it is assumed that the time should be set. If only a logical value is supplied, it is assumed that the running state should be set. If the logical value is not supplied, it is assumed to be TRUE for !start and FALSE for !reset. If the time value is not specified, it is assumed to be zero.

There is one important difference between the !set and the !start approach. They behave differently if the timer object is not already created in the state object. The !set operator (and related modification operators) will signal an error. The !start and !reset operators will create a new timer if needed.

Expansion Mechanisms

The special “!setCall” form obviously allows for expansion. It is particularly designed for value calculations which involve multiple fields in a complex fashion.

It is also possible to expand the set of !op functions. The method used for dispatch is to call,list(predicate, state, event)) where predicate is a list of target=arg pairs.

The modify function is a useful tool for building new predicates. It combines the current value of the field with the value of the arg using a specified operator. This is used to implement many of the existing operators.

Predicate Testing

The function checkCondition is used internally to check when a set of conditions in a rule are satisfied.

The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together.


Don't confuse the ‘!’ operator with the character “!” used at the start of the predicate operator names.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The special !send predicate (and buildMessages is documented separately).

Rule describes the rule object and Conditions describes the Conditions.

The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


list (
## Set a flag and an observable.
## Set a timer
## Delete fields
"!unset"=list("state.flags.agent"="NA", # Set to NA
              "state.flags.slider"="NULL", # Set to NULL
              "state.flags.unneeded"="Delete"), # Delete it. 

## Modify fields.
"!incr" = list("state.observables.objects"=1), # Add one to objects
"!decr" = list("state.flags.helpuse"=1,  # Subtract 1 from help use.
               # Subract one minute from the learning support timer.
"!mult" = list("state.flags.value"=2),# Double value.
"!div"  = list("state.flags.value"=2), # Halve value.
"!min"  = list("state.flags.attempts"=5), # Attempts is less than 5
"!max"  = list("state.flags.attempts"=0), # Attempts is at least 0

## Set operators
"!addToSet" =list("state.flags.agents"="lever"), #Add lever to list of agents
"!pullFromSet" =list("state.flags.agents"="lever"),
             #Remove level from agent list
"!push"=list("state.flags.objects"="Object 1"), #Put Object 1 on the stack.
       #Pop first object off the stack and set lastObject to its value.


## Send operator
"!send" = list("mess"="Money Earned",
## Can't use the same operator twice in the same call.
"!send1"=list("mess"="New Observables",
               "data"=list()),   ## All Observables

## Expansion Operator.
       #Set value to return value of myOp.

Accessor Functions for RuleTest objects.


These are accessor functions for the components of the RuleTest class. These allow extraction but not setting of the components.





A RuleTest object whose fields are to be accessed.


The function queryTest returns a logical value indicating whether or not the Conditions of the rule should return true for this test case.

The function rule returns the Rule being tested.

The function event returns the Event being processed in the test.

The function initial returns the initial Status of the system before the test.

The function final returns the final Status of the system after the test is applied.


Russell Almond

See Also

RuleTest describes the rule test class and RuleTest the constructor function.


testr <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple set",
  doc="Demonstrate predicate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(agent="ramp"),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")))


Removes a field from a state object.


Fields of a Status can be accessed using JavaScript notation, e.g., state.flags.field, state.observables.field,or The function removeJS sets removes the field. This function called when the !unset operator is called with the "Delete" argument.


removeJS(field, state)
removeJSfield(target, fieldlist)



A character scalar describing the field to be removed (see details).


An object of type Status giving the current status of the user in the system; this argument will be modified.


A collection object to be accessed. The object implmenting state.flags, state.observables or state.timers, or one of sub-components.


The successive field names as a vector of characters (split at the ‘.’ and excluding the initial state.flags, state.observables or event.details.


The Predicates of Rule objects update parts of the current state. As these rules are typically written in JSON, it is natural to reference the parts of the Status objects using javascript notation. Javascript, like R, is a weakly typed language, and so javascript objects are similar to R lists: a named collection of values. A period, ‘.’, is used to separate the object from the field name, similar to the way a ‘$’ is used to separate the field name from the object reference when working with R lists. If the object in a certain field is itself an object, a succession of dots. Thus a typical reference looks like: object.field.subfield and so forth as needed.

In EIEvent rules, only the state, the current Status, can be modified. Therefore, in the predicate all dot notation field references start with state Furthermore, only elements of the collection fields of the Status (flags, observables and timers) can be referenced. The expressions “”, and “” reference an object named name in the flags or observables field of the state respectively.

The fields state.flags and state.observables could also be multipart objects (i.e., R lists). Additional dots can be used to reference the subcomponents. Thus “state.flags.position.x” references the x-coordinate of the position object in the flag field. These dots can be nested to an aribrary depth. The function removeJSfield is a helper function used to remove components of nested items.

The removeJS method is called by executePredicate when the argument to !unset is not NULL or NA.


The setJS function always returns the modified state object. The setJSfield function returns the modified colleciton object, or if the fieldlist is empty, NULL.


It is clear that some kind of indirect reference (i.e., using variables, either integer or character, inside of the square brackects) is needed. This may be implemented in a future version.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The functions getJS for accessing fields and setJS for setting fields (only allowed with state objects). This function is called from executePredicate.

The help files Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions of rule syntax.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames="watch",
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

st1 <- removeJS("state.flags.char",st)

st1 <- removeJS("state.flags.list.two",st)

st1 <- removeJS("state.observables.char",st)

st1 <- removeJS("",st)

st1 <- removeJS("",st)

Constructor for EIEvent Rule Objects


The Rule funciton is the constructor for the Rule object. As Event objects are usually read from a database or other input stream, the parseRule function is recreates an event from a JSON list.


Rule(context = "ALL", verb = "ALL", object = "ALL",
     ruleType = c("Status", "Observable", "Context", "Trigger", "Reset"),
     priority = 5, doc = "",
     name = paste("When in", context, ",", verb, object, ruleType),
     condition = list(), predicate = list(), app = "default")
## S4 method for signature 'Rule,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character string describing the task, item or game level during which the event occurred. This should be the name of an object of class Context and it could reference a context set or the special keyword "ALL".


A character scalar identifying the action for which the rule is appropriate: could be the special keyword "ALL".


A character scalar identifying the direct object for which the rule is appropriate. Could be the keyword "ALL".


A character identifier indicating which phase the rule should be run in. This should be one of the values "State", "Observable", "Context", "Trigger", or "Reset". See the ‘Rule Type’ section of Event for a description of the phases.


A numeric value indicating the order in which the rules should be run, lower number running earlier in the sequence. It is recommended to use 5 for typical values and smaller numbers for rules which must run earlier, and higher numbers for rules which must run later.


A character vector describing the rule in human language.


A character scalar giving an identifier fro the rule. Primarily used in error reporting, debugging and rule management.


A list in a special Conditions syntax. This tests the state of the current Status and Event. If the test returns true, then the predicate is executed.


A list in a special Predicates syntax. This describes the changes that are made to the Status object (or other actions) that are taken when the rule is triggered.


A character scalar providing a unique identifier for the application (game or assessment). This defines the available vocabulary for verb and object, as well as the set of applicable Rule objects.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class Event to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code.


Most of the details about the Rule object, and how it works is documented under Rule-class.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the function as.json.

The parseRule function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to an event object. It is designed to be given as an argument to getOneRec and getManyRecs.

Soon to come. A loadRule function which will load in rules. These operate on JSON files, usually part of a test suite.


The functions Rule and parseRule return objects of class event. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The rule object is described in Rule and Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions. The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class RuleTest stores a rule test.

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseEvent to extract events from a database.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


r1 <- Rule(name="Coin Rule",
           doc="Set the value of the badge to the coin the player earned.",
           verb="satisfied", object="game level",
           ruleType="Observable", priority=5,

r1a <- parseRule(ununboxer(as.jlist(r1,attributes(r1))))

Class "Rule"


A Rule is a declarative predicate for processing events. It has two parts, a condition and a predicate. If the current Status and Event statisfy the condition, then the Status is updated according to the instructions in the Predicate.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the function Rule, or read from JSON using parseRule. Generally rules are stored in a RuleTable.

When the EIEngine gets a new Event, then the applicable rules from the appropriate rule table are fetched. For each rule, if the condition is matched then the predicate is executed.



Object of class "character" which provides the Mongo database ID of the rule. This generally should not be modified.


Object of class "character" giving the name of the application. This should match the RuleTable the rule belongs to.


Object of class "character" giving a human readable identifier for the rule; used in error reporting and rule management.


Object of class "character" giving a human readable description of the intent of the rule.


Object of class "character" giving the character ID of of a Context or context group to which the rule applies. The special value “ANY” can be used to indicate that the rule applies to all contexts.


Object of class "character" giving the value of the verb(Event) to which the rule applies. The special value “ANY” is used to indicate that the rule applies to all verbs.


Object of class "character" giving the value of the object(Event) to which the rule applies. The special value “ANY” is used to indicate that the rule applies to all verbs.


Object of class "character" giving the type of the rule. See the ‘Rule Types’ section.


Object of class "numeric" providing a partial ordering on the execution sequence of rules. See ‘Rule Applicability and Sequencing’ section.


Object of class "list" which provides a test for when the rule runs. This should be expressed as a set of restrictions on the fields of the Status and Event classes. The syntax for this field is described in the ‘Rule Condition’ section.


Object of class "list" which describes the action to be performed modifying the state of the Status object if the condition is satisfied. The syntax for this field is described in the ‘Rule Condition’ section.

Rule Types

There are five types of rules, which are run in the following sequence:

  1. “Status” Rules. These rules should have predicates which set flag variables and manipulate timers. These rules are run first.

  2. “Observable” Rules. These rules should have predicates that set observable values, they are run immediately after the state rules.

  3. “Context” Rules. These rules return a new value for the context field, if this needs to be changed. These are run until either the set of context rules is exhausted or one of the rules returns a value other than the current context.

  4. “Trigger” Rules. These rules have a special predicate which sends a message to a process listening to the EIP. These rules are given both the old and new context values as often they will trigger when the context changes.

  5. “Reset” Rules. These rules run only if the context changes. They are used to reset values of various timers and flags that should be reset for the new context.

Note that the ruleType field should be one of the five keywords “Status”, “Observable”, “Context”, “Trigger” or “Reset”.

The EIEngine runs these rules in sequence.

First the status rules are run followed by the observable rules. Although it is suggested that status rules be used to change flags and timers and observable rules to change observables (see Status), these rules are not strictly enforced. It is however, guarenteed that status rules will be run before observable rules so that the status rule can be used to calculate intermediate variables which are used in calculating the final observables.

After the observables have been updated, the context rules are run to find out if the context is changed. The context rules are run until the value of context(Status) is not equal to the value of oldContext(Status).

Next the trigger rules are run. These cause the EIEngine to send a P4Message to registered listeners. The primary use is to inform the evidence accumulation engine that new observables are available.

Finally, if oldContext(Status) is not equal to context(Status), the reset rules are run to reset the values of timers and counters for the new context type. After this time, the value of oldContext(Status) is set to context(Status) and the EIEngine is ready to process the next event.

Rule Selection and Sequencing

The EIEngine applies the rules in five rounds according to the rule types. In each round, the RuleTable is searched to find all applicable rules. A rule is applicable if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The value of ruleType(Rule) matches the current round.

  2. The value of verb(Rule) is equal to the value of verb(Event) or to the special value “ANY”.

  3. The value of object(Rule) is equal to the value of object(Event) or to the special value “ANY”.

  4. The value of object(Rule) is equal to the value of context(Status), is equal to the name of a group context to which context(Status) belongs (see applicableContexts), or is equal to the special value “ANY”.

Any rule which satisfies these four conditions is consider applicable. The EIEngine checks the condition of all applicable rules, and if the condition is true runs the predicate. The exception is the context rule round, in which the rules are run until the first time the condition is satisfied (or more precisely until the value of context(Status) changes).

Note that the sequence of rules within a round is arbitrary. In some cases, there will be order dependencies among rules run during the same round. The priority field of the rules is used to resolve potential conflicts of this sort. The EIEngine sorts the rules by priority before checking them. Rules with lower priority are always run before rules with higher priority, but the sequence of rules with the same priority is arbitrary.

Referencing fields of the Status and Event objects.

Both conditions and predicates need to reference fields in the Status and Event objects. This is done using strings which use the dot notation (similar to javascript referencing in JSON documents) to reference fields in the two objects. Thus, references a field named “field” in the details(Event). The following table gives useful dot notation references:

  • state.context The current context that the state object is in.

  • state.oldContext The the context of the state at the end of the previous event. In particular, this can be compared to the context to check if the context has changed as a result of the event.

  • state.observables.field The value of the observable named field.

  • state.timers.field The the timer named field. Note that state.timers.field.time or .value refers to the current elapsed time of the timer, and or .running is a logical value which refers to whether or not the timer is running.

  • state.flags.field The value of the observable named field.

  • event.verb The verb associated with the current event.

  • event.object The object associated with the current event.

  • event.timestamp The time at which the event occurred.

  • The value of the extra data field named field.

In each of these cases, field refers to the name of a field in one of the collections in the Event or Status object being processed. If the referenced field is a list, then the if the field reference is of the form field.component then the named component of the list is referenced. If the list structure itself contains lists as elements, then multiple ‘.’s can be used to reference the nested fields. In this respect, the ‘.’ operator performs similarly to the S ‘$’ operator.

If the field references a character or numeric vector, then the ‘[]’ operator can be used to reference elements of that vector. Thus status.flags.agents[3] references the third element of a vector called ‘agents’ found in the flags collection of the status.

The functions getJS and setJS are used to access the fields, and the help for those functions contains a number of examples.

Rule Conditions

The syntax for the condition part of the rule resembles the query lanugage used in the Mongo database (MongoDB, 2018). There are two minor differences: first the syntax uses R lists and vectors rather than JSON objects and second the ‘$’ operators are replaced with ‘?’ operators.

In general, each element of the list should have the form field=c(?op=arg). In this expression, field references a field of either the Status or EIEngine (see sQuoteDot Notation section above), ?op is one of the test operators below, and the argument arg is a litteral value (which could be a list) or a character string in dot notation referencing a field of either the Status or Event. If ?op is omitted, it is taken as equals if arg is a scalar and ?in if value is a vector. For more complex queries where arg is a more complex expresison, the c() function is replaced with list().

See Conditions for a list of supported condition operators.

Rule Predicates

The syntax for the predicate of the rule resembles the database update operations used in the Mongo database (MongoDB, 2018). There are two minor differences: first the syntax uses R lists and vectors rather than JSON objects and second the ‘$’ operators are replaced with ‘!’ operators.

The general form of a predicate expression is !op=list(field=arg). Here !op is one of the operations described below, field is the name of a field in the Status object, and the argument arg is either a literal value or a character scalar giving the name of a field of either the Status or Event in dot notation.

See Predicates a list of supported operations and more information about predicate handling.

Rule Testing

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly.

The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly.

The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together.



signature(obj = "Rule", ml = "list"): helper function for coverting the rule into a JSON object, see as.json.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a list giving the conditions for the rule.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a character scalar giving the ID of the application this rule belongs to.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a character scalar giving the ID of the context or context group to which the rule is applicable.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a character scalar giving the object to which the rule is applicable.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a list giving the predicate for the rule.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a character scalar giving the type of the rule.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a number giving the priority for the rule; lower numbers are higher priority.


signature(x = "Rule"): Returns a character scalar giving the verb to which the rule is applicable.


signature(object = "Rule"): Prints rule object.


signature(x = "Rule"): Produces <> representation of object.


(target, current, ..., checkTimestamp=FALSE, check_ids=TRUE): (S3 method) Checks for equality.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions. The functions checkCondition and executePredicate run the condition and predicate parts of the rule. The functions runRule and runTRule run the indivual rules, and the functions runTriggerRules, runStatusRules, runObservableRules, runResetRules, and runContextRules run sets of rules.

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class RuleTest stores a rule test.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.

Methods for working with Rules: Rule, parseRule, ruleType, priority, condition, predicate, verb, object, context, name, doc



Class "RuleTable"


This is a containiner for a set of rules for an application.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".

This class extends by containment the MongoDB class where the actual rules are stored.


The EIEngine uses the flog.logger system. In particular, setting the threshold for the “EIEvent” logger, will change the amount of information sent to the log file.

In particular, DEBUG level logging will cause the findRules() method to tell how many rules were returned, and the TRACE level will list them.



Object of class character providing applicaiton ID of the application.


Object of class character giving the name of the database used.


Object of class character giving the URI of the database used.


Object of class MongoDB giving the actual mongo collection. This should be accessed using the ruledb() method to make sure that it has been properly updated.


Object of class logical. If true, an error will be signaled if a rule is added with a duplicate name. If false, it will be quietly replaced.



This command will add or replace a rule in the database. If the rule has the same name as an existing rule, the the behavior will depend on the value of stoponduplicate. The that flag is FALSE, then the rule will be replaces, if true and error will be logged and the rule not replaced. Note that if the rule has a database ID, and it does not match the ID of the rule it is replacing, an error will be logged and the rule not replaced.


This searchers for a rule by the name filed.

findRules(verb, object, context, phase):

This is the key function that finds rules based on Event and Status. This will return a (possibly empty) list of all matching rules.


If called with no arguments, gives the rucrrent value of stoponduplicate. If a logical value is given, then the value of the flag is set.


This returns the database collection If the database colleciton is currently null, it is inialized. This method should be used rather than raw calls to the db field.

initialize(app, dbname, dburi, db, stoponduplicate, ...):

This initialization method.


This removes all rules for this application from the database.


A different set of rules is associated with each application ID.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

See Also

The Rule class object describes rules. The function loadRulesFromList and testAndLoad can be used to load rules into the rule table.

The primary classes in the EIEvent system are: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.

The EIEngine class is a container for the following classes: UserRecordSet, RuleTable, ContextSet, TestSet and ListenerSet,




Constructor for EITest or Rule Test.


These are the constructors for the EITest and RuleTest objects. As test objects are usually read from a database or other input stream, the parseEITest and parseRuleTest functions recreate test objects from a JSON list and as.jlist encodes them into a list to be saved as JSON.


EITest(name, doc = "", app = "default", initial, event, final)
RuleTest(name = paste("Test of Rule", rule), doc = "",
         app = "default", initial, event, rule, queryResult, final)
## S4 method for signature 'EITest,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'RuleTest,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character string identifying the test. Used in Logging.


A character string providing a description of the test.


A character string identifying the application.


A Status object giving the initial state of the system.


A Event object giving the triggering event.


A Rule object giving rule being tested.


A logical value indicating whether or not the Conditions of the rule are satisfied; that is, whether or not the Predicates of the rule should be run.


A Status object giving the final state of the system.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class RuleTest to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code).


Most of the details about the EITest and RuleTest objects is documented under the class page.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the function as.json.

The parseEITest function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to an EITest object, and parseRuleTest is for a RuleTest object. They are designed to be given as an argument to getOneRec and getManyRecs.


The functions EITest and parseEITest return objects of class EITest. The functions RuleTest and parseRuleTest return objects of class RuleTest. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

See Also

EITest describes the EITest object. RuleTest describes the RuleTest object.

The functions testQuery, testPredicate, and testRule are used to actually execute the tests.

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseStatus to extract events from a database.


etest <- EITest(
  name="My First test",
  doc="Demonstrate EI Test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(trophy="gold"),
         timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final = Status("Fred","test",
     timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),

el <- as.jlist(etest,attributes(etest))
etesta <- parseEITest(el)

test <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple test",
  doc="Demonstrate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(trophy="gold"),
         timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final = Status("Fred","test",
     timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),

tl <- as.jlist(test,attributes(test))
testa <- parseRuleTest(tl)

test1 <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple test",
  doc="Demonstrate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(trophy="silver"),
         timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final = Status("Fred","test",
     timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),

test1a <- parseRuleTest(as.jlist(test1,attributes(test1)))

testr <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple set",
  doc="Demonstrate predicate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(agent="ramp"),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")))

testra <- parseRuleTest(as.jlist(testr,attributes(testr)))

testt <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple message",
  doc="Demonstrate trigger test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),
  event= Event("Fred","level","finished",details=list(badge="silver"),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final=P4Message(uid="Fred",mess="Observables Available",
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")))

testtl <- as.jlist(testt,attributes(testt))
testta <- parseRuleTest(testtl)

Class "RuleTest"


A rule along with a test case for verifying the rule. This is a special case of the more general EITest.

Objects from the Class

A rule test object consists of a Rule object, plus a test case for the rule. The test case has an initial Status, a triggering Event, and an expected result Status. In the case of testing trigger rules, the result could be a P4Message or list of messages. It also has a logical queryResult field which describes whether or not the rule's Conditions is satisfied in the test case.

Objects can be created by calls of the form RuleTest(...), or from JSON through parseRuleTest.



Object of class "character", the internal mongo identifier.


Object of class "character", the unique identifier for the application to which this belongs.


Object of class "character", a human readable name for the test, used in reporting.


Object of class "character", a documentation string describing the test.


Object of class Status which describes the initial state of the system before the test.


Object of class Event which describes the incoming event to which the rule is reacting.


Object of class Rule, the rule being tested.


Object of class "logical" which specifies whether or not the rule Conditions are met.


Object of class Status which describes the expected final state of the system after applying the rule, or an object of class P4Message describing the generated message.


Class "EITest", directly. This difference is two extra slots: One for



signature(obj = "RuleTest", ml = "list"): helper function for converting the test into a JSON object, see as.json.


signature(x = "RuleTest"): Returns the expected value of the Conditions part of the rule.


signature(x = "RuleTest"): Returns the rule being tested.


signature(x = "RuleTest"): Returns a string describing the rule.


Russell G. Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

See Also

The functions testQuery, testPredicate, and testRule are used to actually execute the tests.

The functions RuleTest and parseRuleTest are used to construct the rule.

The functions name, doc, initial, event, rule, queryResult, and final access the components of the test.

The TestSet maintains a collection of tests for a particular application.



Accessors for Rule objects.


The functions described here access the corresponding fields of an Rule object.


## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'



An object of class Rule to be accessed.


The function ruleType returns a string which should be one of "Status", "Observable", "Context", "Trigger", or "Reset".

The function priority returns a numeric value with lower values indicating higher priority.

The functions condition and predicate return a list which represents either the Conditions or Predicates of the rule.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The Rule object has documentation about the type and priority system and Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions of the condition and predicate arguments.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.

Other methods for working with Rules: Rule, parseRule, verb, object, context, name, doc


r1 <- Rule(name="Coin Rule",
           doc="Set the value of the badge to the coin the player earned.",
           verb="satisfied", object="game level",
           ruleType="Observable", priority=5,

stopifnot(ruleType(r1)=="Observable", priority(r1)==5,

Runs a specific rule in a particular application.


The function runRule runs a Rule against a particular Status (state) and Event. The function runTRule is a special version for trigger rules that sends the generated message, if any, to the listeners.


runRule(state, event, rule, phase)
runTRule(state, event, rule, listeners)



An object of class Status which describes the current state for the person.


An object of class Event which describes the current event being processed.


An object of class Rule which is the rule to be executed.


An object of type character giving the phase being executed, used mainly for logging and error reporting.


An object of class Listener (often a ListenerSet which will receive the messages from the trigger rules.


The function runRule() runs the rule logic. For more about rule logic, see Rule.

The function first runs checkCondition to check if the rule is statisfied or not. If the condition is satisfied, then the predicate of the rule will be run using executePredicate. The resulting state object is returned.

The function runTRule() is similar, but meant specifically for trigger rules. Instead of executePredicate, the function buildMessages is used to build a list of messages. These are then sent to the listenerSet argument using its notifyListeners method.

The rules are executed under withFlogging protection. This means that if an error is encountered, the error message is logged (along with debugging information depending on the current logging threshold). In this case, and object of class try-error is returned instead of the normal error return.


The function runRule returns the modified Status object. The function runTRule returns a list of P4Message objects. In either case, if an error occurs, then an object of class try-error is returned instead of the normal value.


This function uses the flog.logger mechanism. The following information is reported at various thresholds:


The results of checkCondition are reported.


When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.

INFO and above

If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

See Also

Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions. The functions checkCondition and executePredicate run the condition and predicate parts of the rule. The functions runRule and runTRule run the indivual rules, and the functions runTriggerRules, runStatusRules, runObservableRules, runResetRules, and runContextRules run sets of rules.

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class RuleTest stores a rule test.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


### runRule

st0 <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs",
             timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),
evnt1 <- Event(uid="Test0",
               verb="identified",object="game object",
               timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:29 EDT"),
               details= list("gemeObjectType"="Lever"))
st1exp <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs",
             timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),
r2o <- Rule(name="Update agent used.",
            doc="Adds the agent to the agent list, and sets the last agent.",
            context="Sketching", verb="identified",
            object="game object", ruleType="Observable",
            condition=list("Ramp", "Lever",
             "Springboard", "Pendulum")),
st1act <- runRule(st0,evnt1,r2o,"Observable")

### runTRule
st2 <- Status(uid="Test0",context="Stairs",
             timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"),
evnt2 <- Event(uid="Test0",
               verb="satisfied",object="game level",
               timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-09-25 12:13:30 EDT"),
               details= list("badge"="silver"))
r4t <- Rule(name="Satisfied Trigger",
            doc="When the level is satisifed, send the observables.",
            context="ALL", verb="satisfied",
            object="game level", ruleType="Trigger",
            predicate=list("!send"=list(mess="Observables Available",

mess1 <- buildMessages(predicate(r4t),st2,evnt2)[[1]]

cl <- new("CaptureListener")

mess1a <- cl$lastMessage()

Runs all of the appropriate rules of the given type.


Given a player Status (state) and an Event, this function runs all of the rules of the appropriate type and in order of the priority.


runStatusRules(eng, state, event, rules)
runObservableRules(eng, state, event, rules)
runContextRules(eng, state, event, rules)
runTriggerRules(eng, state, event, rules)
runResetRules(eng, state, event, rules)



An object of class EIEngine which is responsible for maintaining the rule base and running the rules.


An object of class Status which gives the state of the system before the rules are run.


An object of class Event which provides details of the event being processed.


An list of objects of class Rule sorted in priority. The rules of the appropriate type will be selected from this list.


The functions are run by handleEvent in the following five phases:

  1. runStatusRules runs (calls runRule on) the status Rule objects. These update the internal status (flags and timers) of the state. The modified state is returned from these rules.

  2. runObservableRules runs the observable Rule objects. These update the external status (observables) of the state. The modified state is returned from these rules.

  3. runContextRules runs the context Rule objects. These update the context field of the state. These are run until the context changes (is no longer equal to oldContext) or all of the rules have been processed with no change in context. The modified state is returned from these rules.

  4. runTriggerRules runs (calls runTRule on) the trigger Rule objects. Trigger rules do not modify the state, but rather if they are satisfied sends a message to the listeners(eng).

  5. runResetRules runs (calls runRule on) the reset Rule objects, but only when the context has changed (is different from oldContext). It resets counters, timers and flags. Note that the logic about whether the state has changed is in handleEvent not this function.

The rules are loaded from the database using the findRules method of the EIEngine (which in turn calls the findRules method of the RuleTable it contains). The rule matches the current phase if the following conditions hold:

  • The app field of the rule matches that of the engine (and the state and event).

  • The verb and object of the rule either match those of the event, or have the special value “ALL”.

  • The context of the rule either matches the context of the state, or is a context group that contains the context of the state (see applicableContexts) or is the special value “ALL”.

  • The ruleType of the rule matches the current phase.

All rules matching these conditions are returned and sorted by the rule's priority. Ties are handled arbitrarily. The rules are then run (using runRule) in the returned order. If an error occurs in running any of the rules, then further processing will stop and an object of class try-error will be returned.

Two exceptions: First, the context rules are only run until the context changes. As soon as the context changes, the function runContextRules exits and returns the modified state. Second, the function runTriggerRules uses runTRule instead of runRule. Instead of modifiying the state, it sends messages to the engine's listeners.

Rules are processed in the withFlogging environment, so depending on the current threshold, various information will be provides about which rules are run. Also, if an error occurs, all of the functions will return an object of class try-error instead of their normal return value. This can be used to suspend processing.


If processing was successful the possibly modified state (an object of class Status will be returned.

If processing was unsuccessful, then an object of class try-error will be returned.


The signature of this function has changed for reasons of efficiency. In previous versions, each function did a very simlilar database check. In practice, a lot of time was spent checking the database to find that there were no applicable rules. Now, the function processEvent finds the applicable rules, and the functions merely select the ones that match the status. If no rules are available, a considerable amount of time is saved.

This function uses the flog.logger mechanism. The following information is reported at various thresholds:

  • The results of checkCondition are reported.

  • The specific rules found from each query are reported.

  • A message is logged as each rule is run.

  • When an error occurs information about the state, event and rule where the error occurred as well a stack trace are logged.

  • Rule searches are logged and the number of rules reported.

  • A message is logged when each phase starts.

  • A message is logged when the context changes.

INFO and above

If an error occurs the error is logged along with context information.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions. The functions checkCondition and executePredicate run the condition and predicate parts of the rule. The functions runRule and runTRule run the indivual rules, and the functions runTriggerRules, runStatusRules, runObservableRules, runResetRules, and runContextRules run sets of rules.

The functions testQuery and testQueryScript can be used to test that rule conditions function properly. The functions testPredicate and testPredicateScript can be used to test that predicates function properly. The functions testRule and testRuleScript can be used to test that rule conditions and predicates function properly together. The class RuleTest stores a rule test.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


## Not run: 
processEvent <- function (eng,state,event) {
  flog.debug("")                        #Blank line for visibility."New Event for 
  rules <- eng$findRules(verb(event),object(event),context(state))
  if (length(rules)==0L) {"No rules for event, skipping.")
    return (NULL)
  out <- runStatusRules(eng,state,event)
  if (is(out,'try-error')) return (out)
  else state <- out
  out <- runObservableRules(eng,state,event)
  if (is(out,'try-error')) return (out)
  else state <- out
  out <- runContextRules(eng,state,event)
  if (is(out,'try-error')) return (out)
  else state <- out
  if (oldContext(state) != context(state)) {
    out <- runResetRules(eng,state,event)
    if (is(out,'try-error')) return (out)
    else state <- out
    state@oldContext <- context(state)
  state@timestamp <- timestamp(event)

## End(Not run)

Runs a test case with a given set of rules


This function runs a test case in the context of a particular application. In particular, it checks to make sure that the rules are behaving as expected.


runTest(eng, test)



An object of class EIEngine which provides the testing environment.


An object of class EITest which describes the test.


An EITest object contains an initial Status, an Event and a result field which could either be a final Status or a P4Message that could be sent by a trigger rule. The function runTest processes this event with the given initial status and checks the actual result agains the expected result.


The function returns TRUE if the event was handled without error and the result matched the expected value, FALSE if the event was handled without error, but the result did not match, and NA if handling the event (or comparing the result to the expected result) produced an error.

Note that errors are logged using withFlogging which will provide details about errors.


This function is pretty much untested. This is a planned expansion.


Russell Almond

See Also

See testRule for the testing functions that are currently implemented.

See EITest for the test class.


## The function is currently defined as
function (eng, test) 
    cl <- new("CaptureListener")
    eng$ListenerSet$addListener(name(test), cl)"Running Test %s", name(test))
    flog.debug("Details:", doc(test), capture = TRUE)
    result <- NA
        actual <- eng$testRules(initial(test), event(test))
        if (is(final(test), "P4Message")) {
            actual <- cl$lastMessage()
        else if (is(final(test), "list")) {
            actual <- cl@messages
        result <- all.equal(final(test), actual)
        if (!isTRUE(result)) {
  "Test %s failed.", name(test))
  "Details:", result, capture = TRUE)
            flog.debug("Actual Status/Message:", actual, capture = TRUE)
            result <- FALSE
    }, context = paste("Running Test", name(test)), test = test)

Sets a field in a status object in Javascript notation.


Fields of a Status can be accessed using JavaScript notation, e.g., state.flags.field, state.observables.field,or The function getJS set the current value of the referenced field from the state object.


setJS(field, state, now, value)
setJSfield(target, fieldlist, value)



A character scalar describing the field to be referenced (see details).


An object of type Status giving the current status of the user in the system; this argument will be modified.


An object of class POSIXt which gives the time ofthe event. Used when setting timers.


The new value to be assigned to the field.


A collection object to be accessed. The object implmenting state.flags, state.observables or one of sub-components.


The successive field names as a vector of characters (split at the ‘.’ and excluding the initial state.flags, state.observables or event.details.


The Predicates of Rule objects update parts of the current state. As these rules are typically written in JSON, it is natural to reference the parts of the Status objects using javascript notation. Javascript, like R, is a weakly typed language, and so javascript objects are similar to R lists: a named collection of values. A period, ‘.’, is used to separate the object from the field name, similar to the way a ‘$’ is used to separate the field name from the object reference when working with R lists. If the object in a certain field is itself an object, a succession of dots. Thus a typical reference looks like: object.field.subfield and so forth as needed.

In EIEvent rules, only the state, the current Status, can be modified. Therefore, in the predicate all dot notation field references start with state (field references starting with event can be used in the value). Furthermore, Status objects have only a certain number of settable fields so only those fields can be referenced.

The state object has two fields which are collections of arbitrary object: state.flags and state.observables. (The state also contains a collection of timer objects, state.timers, which has special rules described below.) Each of these is a named collection (list in R), and components can be refenced by name. The expressions “”, and “” reference an object named name in the flags or observables field of the state respectively. Note that the available components of these lists fields will depend on the context of the simulation and the verb and object of the event.

The fields state.flags and state.observables could also be multipart objects (i.e., R lists). Additional dots can be used to reference the subcomponents. Thus “state.flags.position.x” references the x-coordinate of the position object in the flag field. These dots can be nested to an aribrary depth.

The fields of state.flags. and state.observables. can also contain unnamed vectors (either character, numeric, or list). In this case square brackets can be used to index the elements by position. Indexes start at 1, as in R. For example, “state.flags.agentList[3]” references the third value in the agentList flag of the status. Currently only numeric indexes are allowed, variable references are not, nor can sublists be selected.

Note that the fields allowed to be set are a subset of the fields in which can be accessed (see setJS for a complete list). In particular, only fields of the state object can be set, while fields of the event object can also be referenced. Also, certain fields of the state object are read only.

The function setJSfield is an internal function which is used to set the components, it is called recursively to modify fields which are themselves lists or vectors.


The setJS function always returns the modified state object. The setJSfield function returns the modified colleciton object, or if the fieldlist is empty, the new value.

Fields of the Status object.

The following fields of the Status object can be set:

  • state.context The current context that the state object is in.

  • state.observables.field The value of the observable named field.

  • state.timers.field The the timer named field. Note that state.timers.field.time or .value refers to the current elapsed time of the timer, and or .running is a logical value which refers to whether or not the timer is running.

  • state.flags.field The value of the observable named field.

The other fields listed in getJS can be accessed but not set.


The state.timers field holds a named list of objects of class Timer. These behave as if they have two settable subfields: running (or run) and time (or value).

The running (or run) virtual field is a logical field: TRUE indicates running and FALSE indicates paused. Setting the value of the field will cause the timer to resume (start) or pause depending on the value.

The time (or value) field gives the elapsed time of the timer. Setting the field to zero will reset the timer to zero, setting it to another value will adjust the time.


It is clear that some kind of indirect reference (i.e., using variables, either integer or character, inside of the square brackects) is needed. This may be implemented in a future version.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

The functions getJS for accessing fields and removeJS for removing fields (only allowed with state objects). This function is called from executePredicate.

The help files Conditions and Predicates each have detailed descriptions of rule syntax.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, Rule.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames="watch",
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

ev <- Event("Phred","test","message",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01"),

ts <-timestamp(ev)

st <- setJS("state.context",st,ts,"Level 1")
stopifnot(getJS("state.context",st,ev)=="Level 1",
          getJS("state.oldContext",st,ev)=="Level 0")

st <- setJS("state.observables.numeric",st,ts,12.5)
stopifnot( getJS("state.observables.numeric",st,ev)==12.5)

st <- setJS("state.observables.char",st,ts,"foo")

st <- setJS("",st,ts,"a")

st <- setJS("state.observables.vector",st,ts,(1:3)*100)
st <- setJS("state.observables.vector[2]",st,ts,20)

st <-setJS("state.flags.list.two",st,ts,"two")

st <-setJS("state.flags.vector[3]",st,ts,3)

st <- setJS("state.flags.logical",st,ts,TRUE)
stopifnot( getJS("state.flags.logical",st,ev)==TRUE)

st <- setJS("state.flags.char",st,ts,"foobar")

Manipulates a Timer inside of a Status


A Status object contains a named collection of Timer objects. These functions access the timer object. Note that because the timer is not an actual clock, but rather calculates the time difference between events, most of the functions must be passed the “current” time, which is usually the timestamp of the Event object being processed.


setTimer(x, timerID, time, running, now)
## S4 method for signature 'Status,character'
setTimer(x, timerID, time, running, now)
timer(x, name)
timer(x, name) <- value
timerTime(x, name, now)
## S4 method for signature 'Status,character'
timerTime(x, name, now)
timerTime(x, name, now) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Status,character'
timerTime(x, name, now) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'Status,character'
timerRunning(x, name, now)
timerRunning(x, name, now) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Status,character'
timerRunning(x, name, now) <- value



An object of class Status whose timers are to be accessed. (These are generic functions, so methods for classes other than Status could be written.)


A character string of the form The name operates like the name argument.


A character scalar giving the name of the timer to be accessed.


The new elapsed time of the timer. This should be an object of class difftime.


A logical flag indicating whether or not the timer should be running.


The current time, usually from the timestamp of the Event object being processed.


The replacement value. For timerTime<- this should be an object of class difftime. For timerRunning<- this should be a logical value. For timer<- this should be an object of class Timer.


The Status objects contain a named list of Timer objects. Each timer contains two conceptual fields: running which indicates whether or not the timer is running and time which indicates the current elapsed time. (Note that these are actually implemented using differences between timestamps, which is why most of the functions need to pass the current time in the now argument. See start for details.

The timer and timer<- functions access the Timer object directly.

The timerRunning and timerRunning<- functions access the conceptual running field of the timer. In particular, the setter method starts or pauses the timer.

The timerTime and timerTime<- functions access the conceptual time field of the timer. In particular, they call timerTime or timerTime on the timer.

The function setTimer is an omnibus modifier, meant to be called from setJS. Instead of the timer name, it uses the fully qualified dot notation: If no timer for the given name exists, it creates one; otherwise, it uses the existing timer. It then calls timerTime<- and timerRunning<- with the given value.

The functions getJS and setJS call these functions if the referenced field is of the form Note that the setJS function gets the current time from the event object, so it does not need to be specified in this form.


The function timer returns an object of class Timer.

The function timerRunning returns a logical value indicating whether or not the timer is currently running.

The function timerTime returns the elapsed time in difftime format.

The function setTimer and the other setter methods return the Status object which is the first argument.


Internally, the timers are implemented as a start time and an elapsed time (see start). Elapsed times are calculated by differencing two time stamps. Therefore, it is usually necessary to pass along the “current” time with these functions, usually from the timestamp of the Event object.


Russell Almond

See Also

The Timer class describes timers, and the Status class contains a collection of timers.

Methods for manipulating timer directly include start, resume, pause, isRunning, timeSoFar and reset.

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS have details about how to manipulate timers using rules.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames="watch",
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:00:01"))
context(st) <- "Level 1"


timer(st,"stopwatch") <- Timer("stopwatch")

timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:00:01")) <- TRUE
stopifnot(!timerRunning(st,"watch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:00:02")),
           timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:00:02")))

timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")) <- FALSE
stopifnot(!timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:02")),
           timerTime(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:02"))==

timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:03:01")) <- TRUE
stopifnot(timerTime(st,"watch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:03:02"))==
          timerTime(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:03:02"))==

timerTime(st,"watch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:05:00")) <-
timerTime(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:05:00")) <-
stopifnot(timerTime(st,"watch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:05:02"))==
          timerTime(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:05:02"))==

st <- setTimer(st,"state.timers.stopwatch",as.difftime(0,units="secs"),FALSE,
               as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:00"))
st <- setTimer(st,"state.timers.runwatch",as.difftime(50,units="secs"),TRUE,
               as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:00"))
stopifnot(!timerRunning(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:02")),
           timerRunning(st,"runwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:02")),
           timerTime(st,"stopwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:02"))==
           timerTime(st,"runwatch",as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10:02"))==

Functions for manipulating timer objects.


A Timer object keeps track of the elapsed time between events. These functions update the state of the timer. Note that because Timers don't operate in real time, most of these functions need to be passed the “current” time, which is the timestamp of the Event which is being processed.


start(timer, time, runningCheck = TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'Timer,POSIXt'
start(timer, time, runningCheck = TRUE)
pause(timer, time, runningCheck = TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'Timer,POSIXt'
pause(timer, time, runningCheck = TRUE)
resume(timer, time)
## S4 method for signature 'Timer,POSIXt'
resume(timer, time)
## S4 method for signature 'Timer'
timeSoFar(timer, time)
## S4 method for signature 'Timer,POSIXt'
timeSoFar(timer, time)
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Timer,POSIXt'
timeSoFar(timer, time) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'Timer'
## S4 method for signature 'Timer'



An object of class Timer.


Either an object of class POSIXt or a an object that can be coerced into class POSIXt. Note that strings need to be in ISO 8601 format (or manually converted using strptime.) This is usually the timestamp value of the Event being processed.


A logical value. If TRUE start, pause and resume will signal an error if the timer is currently in an unexpected state.


A time interval in difftime format which is to be the new elapsed time.


These functions allow the Timer object to behave like a stopwatch, event though it is implemented with a collection of timestamps. Because it doesn't really run a clock, but instead takes the different between the timestamps of the starting and finishing event, most of the function here need to pass the “current” time, which is defined as the timestamp of the Event object being processed.

The following functions are supported:


Sets the timer running. If runningCheck is true, it signals an error if the timer is already running. Does not change the elapsed time.


Pauses the timer. If runningCheck is true, it signals an error if the timer is not currently running.


Identical to start with runningCheck=TRUE.


Returns the elapsed time on the timer. (Similar to the lap time on a stopwatch.)


Sets the elapsed time to a new value. If the timer is running, adjusts the start time to the current time argument.


Returns the state of the timer as a logical value (TRUE for running).


Stops the timer and sets the elapsed time to zero.


Returns the total time up until the last pause; if the timer is running, the time since startTime is ignored.


The isRunning function returns a logical value giving the state of the timer.

The timeSoFar and totalTime functions returns an object of type difftime giving the current elapsed time.

The other functions return the modified timer object.


Internally, Timer objects maintain their state using two fields: startTime and totalTime. When the timer is started (resumed), the startTime is set to the current time, and it is set to NA when it is paused. The running status can be determined by checking whether or not the startTime is NA. When the timer is paused, the difference between the current time and the startTime is added to the totalTime. So the elapsed time is the totalTime plus the difference between the current time (the argument) and the startTime.

Here are the acutal implementation of the manipulation functions:


Sets the startTime to the time. Does not change totalTime.


Adds the difference between time and startTime to totalTime; sets startTime to NA.


Identical to start with runningCheck=TRUE.


If running, returns totalTime + time - startTime. If paused, returns totalTime.


Sets totalTime to value. If the timer is running sets startTime <- time.


Returns !


Sets startTime to NA and totalTime to 0 seconds.


Returns the value of the totalTime field, ignoring the time elapsed between time and startTime.


Russell Almond

See Also

The Timer class describes timers, and the Status class contains a collection of timers.

Methods for manipulating timers in states: timer, timerTime, and timerRunning

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS have details about how to manipulate timers using rules.


## Create the timer
stopwatch <- Timer("stopwatch")
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))==

## Start the timer.
stopwatch <- start(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))==

## Note that time so far is based on the time argument.
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))==

## Pause the timer.
stopwatch <- pause(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))==

## adjust the time.
timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10")) <-
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))==

## resume the timer and adjust the time again.
stopwatch <- resume(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 01:01"))
timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 01:10")) <-
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 01:11"))==

## Reset the timer
stopwatch <- reset(stopwatch)
          timeSoFar(stopwatch,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))==

Status (state) object constructor


The Status function is the constructor for the Status (or state) object. As Status objects are usually read from a database or other input stream, the parseStatus function is recreates an event from a JSON list and as.jlist encodes them into a list to be saved as JSON.


Status(uid, context, timerNames = character(), flags = list(),
       observables = list(), timestamp = Sys.time(), app = "default")
## S4 method for signature 'Status,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character scalar identifying the examinee or player.


A character string describing the task, item or game which the player is currently in.


A list of names for timer objects. These are created calling Timer with each name as an argument.


A named list containing internal details about the event. The necessary fields will depend on the app and the context.


A named list containing external details about the event. The necessary fields will depend on the app and the context.


The timestamp of the most recent Event processed.


A character scalar providing a unique identifier for the application (game or assessment). This defines the available vocabulary for flags timers and observables, as well as the set of applicable Rule objects.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class Status to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code.


Most of the details about the Status object, and how it works is documented under Status-class. Note that the distinction between flags and observables is mostly one of intended usage: observables are reproted to other processes, and flags are not. Also, timers are created by their name and then need to be specifically set.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the function as.json.

The parseStatus function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to a status object. It is designed to be given as an argument to getOneRec and getManyRecs.


The functions Status and parseStatus return objects of class status. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the JSON layout of the Status/State objects.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

HT2Labs (2018). Learning Locker Documentation.

See Also

Status describes the state object.

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseStatus to extract events from a database.


st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames=c("watch","stopwatch"),
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

st <- setTimer(st,"state.timers.stopwatch",as.difftime(15,units="secs"),TRUE,
               as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

sta <- parseStatus(as.jlist(st,attributes(st)))
# Issue with timezone

Class "Status"


A Status object represents the state of a student (user) in the simulation. In particular, it provides lists of flags, timers and observables whose values are updated by the Rule objects after an Event.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the function Status(...). Generally, the EIEngine maintains one status object for every student in the system.



Internal database ID.


Object of class "character" giving an identifier for the application.


Object of class "character" giving an identifier for the user or student.


Object of class "character" giving an identifier for the scoring context the student is currently in.


Object of class "character" giving an identifier for the previous scoring context. In particluar, if this value is not equal to context it means the context has recently chagned.


A named "list" of Timer objects representing events that need to be timed.


A named "list" of fields representing the state of the system. Unlike observables, flags are generally not reported outside the system.


A named "list" of fields representing details of the task interaction which will be reported outside of the evidence identification system.


Object of class "POSIXt" giving the timestamp of the last Event processed for this student.



signature(obj = "Status", ml = "list"): preprocessing method used to conver the Status into a JSON string. See as.jlist.


signature(x = "Status"): returns the value of the context field.


signature(x = "Status"): returns the value of the context field.


signature(x = "Status"): returns the list of flags associated with the status.


signature(x = "Status"): sets the list of flags associated with the status.


signature(x = "Status"): returns the list of observables associated with the status.


signature(x = "Status"): sets the list of observables associated with the status.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): sets the state of the named timer.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): returns the named timer object.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): sets the named timer object.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): returns the running status of the named timer.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): sets the running status of the named timer.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): returns the elapsed time of the named timer.


signature(x = "Status", name = "character"): sets the elapsed time of the named timer.


(target, current, ..., checkTimestamp=FALSE, check_ids=TRUE): (S3 method) Checks for equality. The checkTimestamp flag controls whether or not the timestamp is checked. The check_ids flag controls whether or not the database IDs are checked.

Note that the getJS and setJS functions are often used to get and set the values of the status object.

Header Fields

A Status object always has header fields. The app field references the application (assessment) that this state belongs to. The uid field is the student (user or player) the status represents. The timestamp field is set to the timestamp of the last event processed (after it is processed).

The context and oldContext fields operate as a pair. Before the event is processed, oldContext is set to the current value of context. If the value of context changes (in particular, as result of a context rule, see Rule), then this can be determined by comparing the value of context and oldContext.

Flags and Observables

The flags and observables fields are both named collections of arbitrary R objects. The exact values stored here will depend on the logic of the application. In general, these can be scalar numeric, character or logical variables, vectors of the same, or more complex objects made from named lists. It is probably not good to use formal S3 or S4 objects as these won't be properly saved and restored from a database.

The difference between the flags and observables is a convention that is not enforced in the code. The observables are intended to be reported using the trigger rules (see Rule). The flags are meant to hold intermediate values that are used to calculate observables. Nominally, status rules are used to update flags and observable rules to update observables, but this is not enforced.


The timers field holds a named list of objects of class Timer. These behave as if they have two settable subfields: running (or run) and time (or value).

The running virtual field is a logical field: TRUE indicates running and FALSE indicates paused. Setting the value of the field will cause the timer to resume (start) or pause depending on the value.

The time field gives the elapsed time of the timer. Setting the field to zero will reset the timer to zero, setting it to another value will adjust the time.

Dot (Javascript) Field Reference

Fields in the state object can be referenced using a pseudo-Javascript dot notation, where nested components are referenced through the ‘.’ operator (which operates similarly to the R ‘$’ operator). These all start with state. to distringuish them from fields in the event. In particular, the follwing fields are recognized.

  • state.context The current context that the state object is in.

  • state.oldContext The the context of the state at the end of the previous event. In particular, this can be compared to the context to check if the context has changed as a result of the event. (This field should not be set by user code).

  • state.observables.field The value of the observable named field.

  • state.timers.field The the timer named field. Note that state.timers.field.time or .value refers to the current elapsed time of the timer, and or .running is a logical value which refers to whether or not the timer is running.

  • state.flags.field The value of the observable named field.

  • state.timestamp The time at which the last processed event occurred (this field is read-only).

    The functions getJS and setJS are used to access the fields, and the help for those functions contains a number of examples.

The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.


Russell Almond

See Also

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Rule, Event, RuleTable, Timer.

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS have details about using the dot notation to reference fields in the status. Rule Conditions and Predicates also reference fields in the status object.

Methods for working with States: timer, timerTime, timerRunning, flag, obs, app, context,oldContext, timestamp, parseStatus,



Functions for testing rule queries.


The Rule objects in an EIEngine form a program, which requires testing. These functions provide a mechanism for testing the rules. The script gives a Status, Event and Rule object, and then checks to see if the the rule achieves the expected result or not. The functions queryTest, predicateTest, and ruleTest test a single rule, and the functions queryTestScript, predicateTestScript, and ruleTestScript test a collection of rules found in a JSON file.


testQueryScript(filename, suiteName = basename(filename))
testPredicateScript(filename, suiteName = basename(filename))
testRule(test, contextSet=NULL)
testRuleScript(filename, suiteName = basename(filename), contextSet=NULL)



An object of class RuleTest. See details.


A pathname or URL giving a JSON file filled with rule tests.


A name associated with the test scripts for reporting.


A collection of contexts, used to resovle context matching issues. This should be an object which is suitable as an argument to matchContext, either a list or an object of class ContextSet. If contextSet is null, the context matching is not tested.


A test is a RuleTest class which has the following components:


An identifier for the test; used in reporting.


Human readable documentation; reported only if verbose is TRUE.


An object of class Status giving the initial state of the system.


An object of class Event giving the current event.


The Rule object to be tested.


A logical value indicating whether or not the Conditions of the rule are satisfied. If this value is false, then testPredicate will skip the test.


This should be an object of class Status. If queryResult is true, this should be the final state of the system after the predicate is run. If queryResult is false, this should be the same as the initial state.

The function testQuery runs checkCondition with arguments (condition(rule), initial, event) and checks the value against queryResult.

The function predicateTest runs executePredicate with arguments (predicate(rule), initial, event) and checks the value against final. If queryResult is false, the test does not run executePredicate and always returns true.

The function ruleTest does the complete testing of the rules. It checks to make sure that the verb and object of the rule and event match, and if contextSet is not null, it checks the context as well. It then runs first checkCondition and then executePredicate if the condition returns true. The result is checked against final.

The functions testQueryScript, testPredicateScript and testRuleScript run a suite of tests stored in a JSON file and return a logical vector of results, with an NA if an error was generated in the condition check or predicate execution.


The functions testQuery, testPredicate, and testRule return a logical value indicating whether the actual result matched the expected result. If an error is encountered while processing the rule, it is caught and logged and NA is returned from the function.

The functions testQueryScript, testPredicateScript, and testRuleScript returns a logical vector indicating the result of each test. The values will be true if the test passed, false if it failed and code NA if either an error occured in either parsing or executing the test.


The results are logged using flog.logger to a logger named “EIEvent” (that is the package name). This can be redirected to a file or used to control the level of detail in the logging. In particular, flog.appender(appender.file("/var/log/Proc4/EIEvent_log.json"), name="EIEvent") would log status messages to the named file. Furthermore, flog.layout(layout.json,name="EIEvent") will cause the log to be in JSON format; useful as the inputs are logged as JSON objects which facilitates later debugging.

The amount of information can be controlled by using the flog.threshold command. In particular, flog.threshold(level,name="EIEvent"). The following information is provided at each of these levels (this is cumulative):


Fatal errors are logged.


All errors are logged.


Warnings are logged.


Tests are logged as they are run, as are results. Final suite results are logged.


Test doc strings are printed. Additional context information (rule, initial, event and final) are printed on test failure. On errors, additional context information (rule, intial and event) are provided along with a stack trace.


No additional information is included at this level.


The functions testQuery, testPredicate, and testRule suppress errors (using withFlogging) on the grounds that it is usually better to attempt all of the tests rather than stop at the first failure. This is also true of testQueryScript, testPredicateScript, and testRuleScript, which also continue after syntax errors in the test file. Certain errors, however, are not caught including errors opening the target file and the initial JSON parsing.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

Almond, R. G., Steinberg, L. S., and Mislevy, R.J. (2002). Enhancing the design and delivery of Assessment Systems: A Four-Process Architecture. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1,

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

MongoDB, Inc. (2018). The MongoDB 4.0 Manual.

See Also

Rule describes the rule object, Conditions describes the conditions and Predicates describes the predicates. The function checkCondition tests when conditions are satisfied, and executePredicate executes the predicate. RuleTest describes the test object.

Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Status, Event, RuleTable.


## Query Tests
test <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple test",
  doc="Demonstrate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(trophy="gold"),
         timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final = Status("Fred","test",
     timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
## This test should succeed.

test1 <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple test",
  doc="Demonstrate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(trophy="silver"),
         timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  final = Status("Fred","test",
     timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),

## This test should fail query check, query needs to allow gold or
## silver trophies.

## Predicate Tests
testr <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple set",
  doc="Demonstrate predicate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(agent="ramp"),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")))


testr1 <- RuleTest(
  name="Simple test",
  doc="Demonstrate test mechanism.",
  initial = Status("Fred","test",
        timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
  event= Event("Fred","test","rule",details=list(agent="ramp"),
       timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")),
    timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01:01")))



nocoin <- Status(uid="Test0", context="Level 84",
                 timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),
scoin <- Status(uid="Test0", context="Level 84",
                 timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),
gcoin <- Status(uid="Test0", context="Level 84",
                 timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),

nevent <- Event(app="",
            object="game level", context="Level 84",
            timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),   
sevent <- Event(app="",
            object="game level", context="Level 84",
            timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),   
gevent <- Event(app="",
            object="game level", context="Level 84",
            timestamp=as.POSIXlt("2018-09-25 12:12:28 EDT"),   

crule <- Rule(name= "Coin Rule",
            doc= "Set the value of the badge to the coin the player earned.",
            verb= "satisfied", object= "game level",
            context= "ALL", ruleType= "observables",
            priority= 2, condition= list("silver","gold")),
            predicate= list("!set"=c(state.observables.badge =

stopifnot(testRule(RuleTest(name="Gold coin test",initial=nocoin,event=gevent,
stopifnot(testRule(RuleTest(name="Silver coin test",initial=nocoin,event=sevent,
stopifnot(testRule(RuleTest(name="No coin test",initial=nocoin,event=nevent,


Class "TestSet"


This is a database stored collection of RuleTest objects. It can be used to store test suites with a rule set. This is a stub implementation to be completed later.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".



Object of class character giving the identifier for the application. This is part of the database key for the collection.


Object of class character giving the name of the database (e.g., “EIRecords”).


Object of class character giving the uri for the database, (e.g., “mongodb://localhost”).


Object of class ContextSet which gives the context information.


Object of class RuleTable which gives the rules against which this test set should be run.


Object of class MongoDB which is the handle to the database collection. As this field is initialized when first requested, it should not be accessed directly, but instead through the recorddb() method.



This returns the handle to the mongo collection object. If the connection has not yet been initialized.

initialize(app, dbname, dburi, contexts, rules, db, ...):

This sets up the object. Note that the db field is not initialized until testdb() is first called.


Clears all records from the test collection.


Not yet fully implemented, this documentation is subject to change in the next version.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the rule system.

See Also

runTest, EIEngine, Rule, testRule



Constructor for Timer objects.


The Timer funciton is the constructor for the Timer object. Timer objects are usually part of a Status object. The parseTimer function recreates a timer from a JSON list and is used as part of parseStatus.


## S4 method for signature 'Timer,list'
as.jlist(obj, ml, serialize = TRUE)



A character scalar giving the name of the timer. This is used for documentation only, but it is most useful if it matches the name it is given in the Status object.


A named list containing JSON data.


An object of class Event to be encoded.


A list of fields of obj. Usually, this is created by using attributes(obj).


A logical flag. If true, serializeJSON is used to protect the data field (and other objects which might contain complex R code.


The Timer function creates a new timer with zero elapsed time and in the paused (not running) state. Normally, this is not called directly, but through either the Status constructor or the setTimer function.

The function as.jlist converts the obj into a named list. It is usually called from the as.jlist function applied to a Status object, which is in turn usually called from as.json.

The parseTimer function is the inverse of as.jlist applied to atimer object. It is designed to be called by the function, parseStatus, which is given as an argument to getOneRec, getManyRecs


The functions Timer and parseTimer return objects of class timer. The function as.jlist produces a named list suitable for passing to toJSON.


See start for information about how the timer is actually implemented.


Russell Almond

See Also

Timer describes the timer object, and Status describes the status object which contains it.

Methods for mainpulating timers: start, pause, resume, isRunning, totalTime, timeSoFar, and reset

Methods for manipulating timers in states: timer, timerTime, and timerRunning

buildMessage and as.json describe the JSON conversion system.

The functions getOneRec and getManyRecs use parseEvent to extract events from a database.


sw <- Timer("stopwatch")
swa <- parseTimer(as.jlist(sw,attributes(sw)))
          timeSoFar(swa,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))==

## Start the timer.
sw <- start(sw,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))
swa <- parseTimer(as.jlist(sw,attributes(sw)))
## Note that time so far is based on the time argument.
          timeSoFar(swa,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))==

## Pause the timer.
sw <- pause(sw,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))
swa <- parseTimer(as.jlist(sw,attributes(sw)))
          timeSoFar(swa,as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:10"))==

Class "Timer"


A Timer measures the time between events in an event sequence. Rather than containing an actual timer, it works by subtracting start and stop times from different events. Therefore “starting” a timer sets the start time to the current time (as measured by the most recent event), and reading the elapsed time at an event, looks at the difference between the start time and the stop time (as measured by the current event).

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of to theTimer(...) function. They are also created by the Status constructor when called with names for the timer objects.



Object of class "character" giving an identifier for the timer. Used in error reporting


Object of class "POSIXct": the time at which the timer was started. If the timer is not running, this will be NA.


Object of class "difftime": the total elapsed time prior to the last start/resume call.



signature(obj = "Timer", ml = "list"): converts the Timer object into a form to be serialized as a JSON object. See as.jlist.


signature(timer = "Timer"): returns TRUE if the timer is running and FALSE if not.


signature(timer = "Timer", time = "POSIXct"): Pauses the timer and sets the accumulated time to the elapsed time so far.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Pauses the timer and sets the accumulated time to zero.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Puts the timer back in the running state and does not affect the total elapsed time.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Starts the timer.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Returns the elapsed time.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Sets the elapsed time.


signature(timer = "Timer"): Returns the current value of the total time field.


The timer is not actually running a clock. It is instead counting the elapsed time between events. This primarily works by setting the startTime field when the timer is “started” and then differencing this from the current time as measured by the timestamp of the currently processed Event.

This should be transparent for most uses, with one note. Methods like start, pause, resume, and timeSoFar need to be passed the current time, so the Timer can adjust its internal state.

In the getJS and setJS functions, the timer behaves as if it has two virtual fields: .run or .running and .time or .value. The .run field returns the value of isRunning, and setting it to FALSE will cause the timer to pause and setting it to TRUE will cause the timer to start or resume. The .time or .value field returns the timeSoFar field of the timer. Setting it adjusts the totalTime without affecting the running state.


For those who need a more detailed understanding, the timer works with two fields: startTime and totalTime. Intially startTime starts as NA and totalTime is 0. On a call to start or resume, the startTime is set to the current time. On a call to pause the difference between the startTime and the current time (passed as an argument) is added to the totalTime, and startTime is set to NA.

This means that isRunning is essentially ! If the timer is paused, the timeSoFar is the totalTime. If the timer is running, the timeSoFar is the totalTime plus the difference between the current time (passed as an argument) and the startTime. The setter “timeSoFar<-” will adjust startTime to the current time argument if the timer is running.

The setJS function gets the current time from the current Event object being processed, and thus automatically takes care of the time argument.


Russell Almond

See Also

The funciton Timer is the constructor, and the function parseTimer builds a Timer from JSON data.

The Status class contains a collection of timers. Other classes in the EIEvent system: EIEngine, Context, Rule, Event, RuleTable.

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS have details about how to manipulate timers using rules.

Methods for working with Timers: start, pause, resume, isRunning, totalTime, timeSoFar, and reset

Methods for manipulating timers in states: timer, timerTime, and timerRunning



Class "UserRecordSet"


A collection of user records associated with a given application; actually, a handle for the database collection holding the user records. User records are object of class Status.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".



Object of class character giving the identifier for the application. This is part of the database key for the collection.


Object of class character giving the name of the database (e.g., “EIRecords”).


Object of class character giving the uri for the database, (e.g., “mongodb://localhost”).


Object of class MongoDB which is the handle to the database collection. As this field is initialized when first requested, it should not be accessed directly, but instead through the recorddb() method.

Class-Based Methods


This generates a new blank status for a given student id. If there is an existing status for the student, that is returned. If not, if there is a status with uid “*DEFAULT*”, that is returned. If neither of those exists, a new blank status is created with context id “*INITIAL*”.


Finds the current status for a given uid.

initialize(app, dbname, dburi, db, ...):

This sets up the object. Note that the db field is not initialized until recorddb() is first called.


This returns the handle to the mongo collection object. If the connection has not yet been initialized.


This saves the status in the database.


This is actually a wrapper for a database collection. The collection can contain records from many applications. The primary key for a record is (app,uid,timestamp). For a given uid and application, the current record is the one with the most recent timestamp.


Russell G. Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the context system:

See Also

Status, EIEngine



Accessor for verb and object field of events and rules.


Both Event and Rule objects have verb, object and context fields which describe the event that occurred or to which the rule applies. The vocabulary is given by the app field.


## S4 method for signature 'Event'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Event'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Event'
## S4 method for signature 'Rule'
## S4 method for signature 'Status'
context(x) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'Status'
context(x) <-value
## S4 method for signature 'Status'



An object of class Event or Rule (or in the case of context, a Status object).


A character scalar giving a new value for the context.


The verb and object fields are fairly self-explanatory. They are simply strings which give the verb and direct object of the activity in the presentation process which triggered the event. In the case of an Event, these are created by the presentation process. For Rule objects, the fields indicate the type of event for which the rule should be applicable. In particular, a rule is applicable to a certain event when the verb and object fields match. Note that if the the verb or objecfield of thas the special keywork special keyword "ALL" that indicates that the rule is applicable for all verbs or objects respectively.

The context field is a little more complex. First, the value of the context field could correspond to a Context object or, in the case of a rule, be the keyword "ALL". For the Status (or Event) class this should be a primative context. In the case of a Rule class, it could also be a context group, which covers several other contexts through the belongsTo field. The rule context must match the context field in the Status (not the Event. The rule is considered applicable if (a) the contexts match exactly, (b) the rule context is a context set and the status context belongs to it, or (c) the rule context is the keyword "ALL".

In some cases, the presentation process will recognize and record the context. In this case the context field of the Event object will be of length 1. Otherwise, it will have the value character(0). In many cases, a change of context is recognized by a “Context” rule. After the context changes, the oldContext field retains the value of the previous context (useful for “Trigger” rules which usually fire after a change in context). The oldContext field gets reset when the EIEngine starts processing a new event.


A character scalar giving the verb, object, or context.


The xAPI format (Betts and Smith, 2018) uses “verb”s and “object”s, but they are much more complex objects. In EIEvent, the verb and object vocabularies are driven by the app field of the Event, and all supporting details are put in the details field.


Russell Almond


The document “Rules Of Evidence” gives extensive documentation for the JSON layout of the Event objects.

Almond, R. G., Shute, V. J., Tingir, S. and Rahimi, S. (2018). Identifying Observable Outcomes in Game-Based Assessments. Talk given at the 2018 Maryland Assessment Research Conference. Slides:, Video:

Betts, B, and Smith, R. (2018). The Leraning Technology Manager's Guid to xAPI, Second Edition. HT2Labs Research Report:

See Also

Objects with verb and object fields: Event, Rule

Related fields of the event object. app details

The functions setJS, getJS and removeJS provide mechanisms for accessing the fields of an event object from Rule Conditions and Predicates.


ev2 <- Event("Phred","wash","window",
      timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:02:01"),

stopifnot(verb(ev2)=="wash", object(ev2)=="window", context(ev2)==character(0))

r1 <- Rule(name="Coin Rule",
           doc="Set the value of the badge to the coin the player earned.",
           verb="satisfied", object="game level",
           ruleType="Observable", priority=5,
stopifnot(verb(r1)=="satisfied", object(r1)=="game level",

st <- Status("Phred","Level 0",timerNames=c("watch","stopwatch"),
   timestamp=as.POSIXct("2018-12-21 00:01"))

stopifnot(context(st)=="Level 0",oldContext(st)=="Level 0")
context(st) <- "Level 1"
stopifnot(context(st)=="Level 1",oldContext(st)=="Level 0")