Package: CPTtools 0.8-4

CPTtools: Tools for Creating Conditional Probability Tables

Provides support parameterized tables for Bayesian networks, particularly the IRT-like DiBello tables. Also, provides some tools for visualing the networks.

Authors:Russell Almond

CPTtools.pdf |CPTtools.html
CPTtools/json (API)

# Install 'CPTtools' in R:
install.packages('CPTtools', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




5.03 score 1 stars 4 packages 20 scripts 100 exports 24 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c3b8e8383a. Checks:1 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 23 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 23 2025



Building Bayesian networks using regression

Rendered fromRegression.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-18
Started: 2023-04-11

Conditional Probability Frames and Arrays

Rendered fromCPF.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-18
Started: 2023-04-11

Discrete Partial Credit Models

Rendered fromDPCmodels.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-04-11
Started: 2021-05-23

Graphing Discrete Bayesian Networks

Rendered fromgraphing.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-18
Started: 2023-04-11

Measues of Agreement

Rendered fromMeasuringAgreement.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-24
Started: 2024-12-24

Parameter Estimation

Rendered fromParemeterEstimation.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-24
Started: 2024-12-24

Reference Distributions

Rendered fromRefDist.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-24
Started: 2024-12-24

Statistical Summaries of Conditional Probability Tables

Rendered fromStatistics.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-04-11
Started: 2023-04-11

Tracking Scores Over Time

Rendered fromTimeSeries.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-18
Started: 2023-04-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Tools for Creating Conditional Probability TablesCPTtools-package CPTtools
Data from ACED field trialACED ACED.items ACED.posttest ACED.prePost ACED.pretest ACED.QEM ACED.Qmatrix ACED.scores ACED.skillNames ACED.splitHalves ACED.taskNames
Translates between normal and categorical probabilitiesareaProbs pvecToCutpoints pvecToMidpoints
This function produces a plot of a conditional probability frame.barchart.CPF
Credibility intervals for a proportion based on beta distributionbetaci
Builds probability tables from Scored Bayes net output.build2FactorTab buildFactorTab buildMarginTab marginTab
Builds a list of parents of nodes in a graphbuildParentList
Creates a series of regressions from a covariance matrixbuildRegressions
Builds conditional probability tables from regressionsbuildRegressionTables
Calculates DiBello-Dirichlet model probability and parameter tablescalcDDFrame calcDDTable
Creates the probability table for DiBello-Normal distributioncalcDNFrame calcDNTable
Creates the probability table for the discrete partial credit modelcalcDPCFrame calcDPCTable
Calculates the log-likelihood for data from a DiBello-Samejima (Normal) distributioncalcDNllike calcDSllike
Creates the probability table for DiBello-Samejima distributioncalcDSFrame calcDSTable
Calculate the conditional probability table for a Noisy-And or Noisy-Min distributioncalcNoisyAndFrame calcNoisyAndTable
Calculate the conditional probability table for a Noisy-Or distributioncalcNoisyOrFrame calcNoisyOrTable
Produces an ordered palate of colours with the same hue.colorspread
Produces comparison stacked bar charts for two sets of groupscompareBars compareBars2
DiBello-Samejima combination functionCompensatory Conjunctive Disjunctive
Representation of a conditional probability table as an CPA is.CPA
Representation of a conditional probability table as a data CPF is.CPF
Compare and observed to an expected conditional probability table.cptChi2 cptG2 cptKL
Constructs a table of counts from a set of discrete observations.dataTable
Generates default values for Alpha and Beta parametersdefaultAlphas defaultBetas
Produces a graphical balance sheet for EAP or other univarate statistics.EAPBal
Assigns effective theta levels for categorical variableeffectiveThetas
Constructs a data frame showing the effective thetas for each parent combination.eThetaFrame
Calculates the expected weight of evidence from a conditional probability frame.ewoe.CPF
Builds expected contingency tables.catTable expTable pvecTable
Functions for measuring rater agreement.accuracy fcKappa gkLambda
Gets meta data about a conditional probability table.getTableParents getTableStates
Calculates the Goodman and Kruskal gamma measure of association.gkGamma
A link function based on Samejima's graded responsegradedResponse
Tests to see if a sequence is ascending or descendingisDecreasing isIncreasing isMonotonic isNondecreasing isNonincreasing
Distinguishes Offset from ordinary rules.getOffsetRules isOffsetRule setOffsetRules
Accuracy and Expected Accuracy Matrixes for Langauge Test.language16 language24 Language_exp Language_modal
Tests for conditional independence between two variables given a thirdciTest localDepTest
Finds an MAP estimate for a discrete partial credit CPTmapDPC
Grades on 5 mathematics tests from Mardia, Kent and BibbyMathGrades
Orders variables using Maximum Cardinality searchmcSearch
Calculates Mutual Information for a two-way table.mutualInformation
Normalizes a conditional probability table.normalize normalize.array normalize.CPA normalize.CPF normalize.default normalize.matrix normalize.table
Link function using a normal regression.normalLink
Splits a mixed data frame into a numeric matrix and a factor part.factorPart numericPart
Observable Characteristic PlotOCP OCP2
Plots a conditional probability distribuiton with data overlayedOCP.CPF OCP2.CPF
Conjunctive combination function with one difficulty per parent.OffsetConjunctive OffsetDisjunctive
Parses Probability Vector StringsparseProbVec parseProbVecRow
A link function based on the generalized partial credit modelpartialCredit
Produces a simplex plot of probability vectors.plotsimplex simplex_vertex_projection
Produce cumulative sum credibility intervalsproflevelci
Reads a file of histories of marginal distributions.readHistory
Rescales the numeric part of the tablenormalizeTable rescaleTable
Scales a matrix to have a unit diagonalscaleMatrix
Scales a table according to the Sum and Scale column.scaleTable
Produces a hanging barplotstackedBarplot
Produces a stacked, staggered barplotstackedBars
Finds graphical structure from a covariance matrixstructMatrix
Weight of Evidence Balance SheetwoeBal
Creates weights of evidence from a history matrix.woeHist