Simulation Studies


Netica Setup

If you have a license key from Norsys, set the value of "NETICA_LICENSE_KEY" in ~/.Renviron.

sess <- NeticaSession(LicenseKey = Sys.getenv("NETICA_LICENSE_KEY"))
#> Netica 6.07 Linux (AFCl64), (C) 1992-2019 Norsys Software Corp.
#> Netica is operating without a password; there are some limitations.

Build the network for the test form.

This exercise uses the language assessment proposed in @Mislevy1995.

Based on that paper, the following Netica files were built (and are distributed in the “sampleNets” directory of the RNetica package.)

Networks in Language Model
Model Filename Variables Replications
Proficiency LanguagePM.dne Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening NA
Reading ReadingTask.dne TaskA 5
Writing WritingTask.dne TaskB 3
Speaking SpeakingTask.dne TaskC 3
Listening ListeningTask.dne TaskD 5

pmname <- "LanguagePM"
tasks <- c("Reading","Writing","Speaking","Listening")

Load the proficiency and evidence models.

pmfile <- system.file(paste0("sampleNets/",
pm <- ReadNetworks(pmfile,session=sess)

emfiles <- system.file(paste0("sampleNets/",
ems <- ReadNetworks(emfiles,session=sess)

Putting the proficiency variables and observable variables into node sets will make it easier to find them later.

proficiencies <- NetworkAllNodes(pm)
NetworkNodesInSet(pm,"Proficiencies") <- proficiencies
for (em in ems) {
  NetworkNodesInSet(em,"Observables") <- NetworkAllNodes(em)

Build the motif

While the proficiency model is a complete Bayesian network, the evidence models (with “Task” in their name) are fragments. In particular, they have unconnected edges corresponding to the node of the proficiency variables. The AdjoinNetwork() function copies the evidence model into the active network and reconnects the edges. A network containing the proficiency model plus one or more evidence models is a motif.

For testing purposes, motifs with just the proficiency variable and the evidence model for a single task are useful.

For evaluating an assessment form, a motif consisting of the proficiency model plus evidence models for all of the tasks is what is needed. To construct this, adjoin copies of the evidence models according the the form design given in the reps variable.

## If reruning this code, delete the motif.
if (exists("motif16") &&
motif16 <- CopyNetworks(pm,"motif16")
for (whichTask in 1:length(reps.form16)) {
  for (iTasks in 1:reps.form16[whichTask]) {
    newobs <- AdjoinNetwork(motif16,ems[[whichTask]])
observables <- NetworkNodesInSet(motif16,"Observables")
#>  [1] "TaskD4" "TaskD3" "TaskD2" "TaskD1" "TaskD"  "TaskC2" "TaskC1" "TaskC" 
#>  [9] "TaskB2" "TaskB1" "TaskB"  "TaskA4" "TaskA3" "TaskA2" "TaskA1" "TaskA"
proficiencies <- NetworkNodesInSet(motif16,"Proficiencies")
#> [1] "Listening" "Speaking"  "Writing"   "Reading"

Finally, compile the network.


The Simulation

First set some constants. B is the number of cases to simulate.

B <- 1000L
casefile16 <- tempfile("motif16test",fileext=".cas")
filestream <- CaseFileStream(casefile16, session=sess)
rng <- NewNeticaRNG(123456779, session=sess)
allvars <- c(proficiencies,observables)

Setup space for the simulation.

The sample data and true values for the proficiency variables. However, need a space for the margin scores. Pre-allocating the space makes the simulation run faster.

varstatenames <- 
motif16.margins <- matrix(NA_real_,B,length(varstatenames))
colnames(motif16.margins) <- varstatenames
motif16.modes <- matrix(NA_character_,B,length(proficiencies))
colnames(motif16.modes) <- names(proficiencies)

Simulate Proficiency Variables and observables

Loop through the simulees.

  1. Generate the data using the motif.

  2. Write out the cases.

  3. Retract the generated proficiency variables.

  4. Collect the marginal distributions for the proficiency variables.

  5. Unset all variables.

    for (b in 1L:B) {
      ## 1.  Generate the data
      ## 2. Write the findings both proficiency and observable variables.
      ## 3. Retract the proficiency "findings", this leaves the marginal "scores" of the remaining variables.
      ## 4. Save the marginal distributions
      motif16.margins[b,] <- unlist(lapply(proficiencies,NodeBeliefs))
      motif16.modes[b,] <- unlist(lapply(proficiencies,NodeMode))
      ## 5. Now clear out the rest of the nodes.

Read the case data back in, and bind the raw data to the scores. Use the orderVars function to convert to factors. <- orderVars(read.CaseFile(casefile16,session=sess),
motif16.modes <- orderVars(,proficiencies) <- data.frame(,motif16.margins,
#>   IDnum    Listening     Speaking      Writing      Reading TaskD4 TaskD3
#> 1     1       Novice Intermediate       Novice Intermediate  Wrong  Wrong
#> 2     2       Novice       Novice Intermediate     Advanced  Wrong  Wrong
#> 3     3 Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate       Novice  Wrong  Wrong
#> 4     4       Novice     Advanced       Novice       Novice  Wrong  Wrong
#> 5     5 Intermediate Intermediate     Advanced     Advanced  Wrong  Wrong
#> 6     6 Intermediate     Advanced Intermediate       Novice  Right  Wrong
#>   TaskD2 TaskD1 TaskD    TaskC2    TaskC1     TaskC     TaskB2     TaskB1
#> 1  Wrong  Wrong Wrong      Good      Good      Poor  PoorW_On_  PoorW_On_
#> 2  Wrong  Wrong Wrong      Okay      Poor      Okay  PoorW_On_ GoodW_Off_
#> 3  Right  Wrong Right      Good Very_Good      Okay  PoorW_On_ GoodW_Off_
#> 4  Wrong  Wrong Wrong Very_Good      Poor Very_Good PoorW_Off_  PoorW_On_
#> 5  Wrong  Wrong Right      Okay      Okay      Good  GoodW_On_  GoodW_On_
#> 6  Wrong  Right Wrong Very_Good      Good Very_Good PoorW_Off_  PoorW_On_
#>        TaskB    TaskA4    TaskA3    TaskA2    TaskA1     TaskA Listening.Novice
#> 1  GoodW_On_      Okay      Good      Poor      Okay      Poor     8.506357e-01
#> 2  PoorW_On_ Very_Good Very_Good Very_Good Very_Good      Good     9.196874e-01
#> 3 PoorW_Off_      Poor      Okay      Poor      Okay      Poor     4.029975e-04
#> 4 PoorW_Off_      Good      Poor      Poor      Good      Okay     9.583628e-01
#> 5 GoodW_Off_ Very_Good      Okay      Good      Okay Very_Good     3.311799e-02
#> 6  PoorW_On_      Poor      Poor      Good      Okay      Poor     9.516245e-05
#>   Listening.Intermediate Listening.Advanced Speaking.Novice
#> 1             0.14856082       0.0008034986     0.197699726
#> 2             0.08000454       0.0003080814     0.275341392
#> 3             0.79419041       0.2054065764     0.054948598
#> 4             0.03918812       0.0024490482     0.002450181
#> 5             0.95899987       0.0078821173     0.095165730
#> 6             0.65141857       0.3484863043     0.012975344
#>   Speaking.Intermediate Speaking.Advanced Writing.Novice Writing.Intermediate
#> 1            0.48786390        0.31443641     0.08341378            0.6577616
#> 2            0.71005255        0.01460609     0.83588433            0.1572442
#> 3            0.61901480        0.32603660     0.16053411            0.5409212
#> 4            0.03919352        0.95835632     0.47419086            0.4334946
#> 5            0.88375419        0.02108006     0.05525145            0.6505799
#> 6            0.27726373        0.70976090     0.09513711            0.7480154
#>   Writing.Advanced Reading.Novice Reading.Intermediate Reading.Advanced
#> 1      0.258824587   5.645623e-01           0.43536362     7.412684e-05
#> 2      0.006871484   7.038870e-08           0.06890685     9.310931e-01
#> 3      0.298544705   9.542122e-01           0.04578766     1.103481e-07
#> 4      0.092314564   7.033880e-01           0.29656067     5.129754e-05
#> 5      0.294168621   2.271402e-05           0.52052850     4.794488e-01
#> 6      0.156847462   9.386655e-01           0.06133413     3.301953e-07
#>   mode.Listening mode.Speaking mode.Writing mode.Reading
#> 1         Novice  Intermediate Intermediate       Novice
#> 2         Novice  Intermediate       Novice     Advanced
#> 3   Intermediate  Intermediate Intermediate       Novice
#> 4         Novice      Advanced       Novice       Novice
#> 5   Intermediate  Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
#> 6   Intermediate      Advanced Intermediate       Novice

Evaluate the Form

The basic tool used to see how accurately the latent variables can be estimated is the confusion matrix. Let akm be the count of the number of cases where the simulated state was k and the estimated state was m. Several statistics are available using that matrix.

Build Confusion Matrixes

The basic confusion matrix can be built using the table() function. <- 
  lapply(names(proficiencies), function (p)
names( <- names(proficiencies)$Reading
#>               mode.Reading
#> Reading        Novice Intermediate Advanced
#>   Novice          216           46        0
#>   Intermediate     37          398       45
#>   Advanced          0           41      217

The function CPTtools::accuracy gives the fraction of cases on the diagonal.

#> Listening  Speaking   Writing   Reading 
#>     0.840     0.687     0.603     0.831

The Goodman–Kruskal lambda statistic corrects for agreement by simply guessing the most populuous category.

#> Listening  Speaking   Writing   Reading 
#>     0.672     0.330     0.191     0.675

And the Fleis-Cohen kappa corrects for random agreement.

#> Listening  Speaking   Writing   Reading 
#>     0.740     0.478     0.329     0.733

These are all explained in greater detail in the vignette vignette("MeasuringAgreement", package="CPTtools").

Build Expected Confusion Matrixes

Using the marginal distributions instead of the modal predictions, we can construct an expected confusion matrix. This is done using the function CPTtools::expTable.

motif16.em <- 
  lapply(names(proficiencies), function (p)
names(motif16.em) <- names(proficiencies)
#>               Reading
#> Reading         Novice Intermediate Advanced
#>   Novice       206.702       51.083    0.168
#>   Intermediate  55.238      372.955   58.196
#>   Advanced       0.060       55.962  199.636

The same statistics can be used for looking at agreement:

  Kappa =sapply(motif16.em,CPTtools::fcKappa)),
#>           Accuracy Lambda Kappa
#> Listening    0.757  0.513 0.609
#> Speaking     0.583  0.167 0.325
#> Writing      0.501 -0.010 0.197
#> Reading      0.779  0.570 0.651

Try again with a longer test:

Now use six tasks of each type.

motif24.addreps <- c(1,3,3,1)
reps.form24 <- reps.form16+motif24.addreps
## If reruning this code, delete the motif.
if (exists("motif24") &&
motif24 <- CopyNetworks(motif16,"motif24")
for (whichTask in 1:length(motif24.addreps)) {
  for (iTasks in 1:motif24.addreps[whichTask]) {
    newobs <- AdjoinNetwork(motif24,ems[[whichTask]])
observables <- NetworkNodesInSet(motif24,"Observables")
## Same names, but different nodes in different networks.
proficiencies <- NetworkNodesInSet(motif24,"Proficiencies")

Redo the simulation

B <- 1000L
casefile24 <- tempfile("motif24test",fileext=".cas")
filestream <- CaseFileStream(casefile24, session=sess)
allvars <- c(proficiencies,observables)
rng <- NewNeticaRNG(677912356, session=sess)
varstatenames <- 
motif24.margins <- matrix(NA_real_,B,length(varstatenames))
colnames(motif24.margins) <- varstatenames
motif24.modes <- matrix(NA_character_,B,length(proficiencies))
colnames(motif24.modes) <- names(proficiencies)
    for (b in 1L:B) {
      ## 1.  Generate the data
      ## 2. Write the findings both proficiency and observable variables.
      ## 3. Retract the proficiency "findings", this leaves the marginal "scores" of the remaining variables.
      ## 4. Save the marginal distributions
      motif24.margins[b,] <- unlist(lapply(proficiencies,NodeBeliefs))
      motif24.modes[b,] <- unlist(lapply(proficiencies,NodeMode))
      ## 5. Now clear out the rest of the nodes.
    })) <- orderVars(read.CaseFile(casefile24,session=sess),
motif24.modes <- orderVars(,proficiencies) <- data.frame(,motif16.margins,
#>   IDnum    Listening     Speaking      Writing      Reading TaskD5 TaskD4
#> 1     1 Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate     Advanced  Wrong  Wrong
#> 2     2     Advanced       Novice Intermediate Intermediate  Wrong  Right
#> 3     3 Intermediate Intermediate       Novice       Novice  Right  Wrong
#> 4     4     Advanced     Advanced       Novice       Novice  Right  Right
#> 5     5       Novice       Novice Intermediate     Advanced  Wrong  Wrong
#> 6     6       Novice Intermediate     Advanced       Novice  Wrong  Wrong
#>   TaskD3 TaskD2 TaskD1 TaskD    TaskC5    TaskC4    TaskC3     TaskB5
#> 1  Wrong  Right  Wrong Wrong Very_Good      Okay      Good  GoodW_On_
#> 2  Wrong  Right  Right Right Very_Good      Good      Good  PoorW_On_
#> 3  Wrong  Right  Right Wrong      Good      Good      Good PoorW_Off_
#> 4  Wrong  Right  Right Right      Good Very_Good Very_Good PoorW_Off_
#> 5  Wrong  Wrong  Wrong Wrong      Poor      Poor      Good GoodW_Off_
#> 6  Wrong  Wrong  Wrong Wrong      Okay      Poor      Poor  PoorW_On_
#>       TaskB4     TaskB3 TaskA5    TaskC2    TaskC1     TaskC     TaskB2
#> 1  GoodW_On_ GoodW_Off_   Good      Okay      Good      Good  GoodW_On_
#> 2 PoorW_Off_  GoodW_On_   Okay      Good      Good      Okay  GoodW_On_
#> 3 PoorW_Off_  PoorW_On_   Poor      Okay Very_Good      Good PoorW_Off_
#> 4 PoorW_Off_ PoorW_Off_   Poor Very_Good Very_Good Very_Good PoorW_Off_
#> 5  GoodW_On_ GoodW_Off_   Good      Poor      Poor      Good  GoodW_On_
#> 6  GoodW_On_  PoorW_On_   Okay      Poor      Poor      Poor PoorW_Off_
#>       TaskB1      TaskB    TaskA4    TaskA3    TaskA2 TaskA1     TaskA
#> 1  GoodW_On_  GoodW_On_ Very_Good      Okay Very_Good   Okay      Good
#> 2  GoodW_On_ GoodW_Off_ Very_Good Very_Good      Good   Good      Poor
#> 3 GoodW_Off_ PoorW_Off_      Poor      Poor      Good   Poor      Poor
#> 4  PoorW_On_ PoorW_Off_      Poor      Okay      Poor   Good      Poor
#> 5  GoodW_On_  GoodW_On_      Good Very_Good      Good   Good Very_Good
#> 6  PoorW_On_ PoorW_Off_      Poor      Poor      Okay   Okay      Good
#>   Listening.Novice Listening.Intermediate Listening.Advanced Speaking.Novice
#> 1     8.506357e-01             0.14856082       0.0008034986     0.197699726
#> 2     9.196874e-01             0.08000454       0.0003080814     0.275341392
#> 3     4.029975e-04             0.79419041       0.2054065764     0.054948598
#> 4     9.583628e-01             0.03918812       0.0024490482     0.002450181
#> 5     3.311799e-02             0.95899987       0.0078821173     0.095165730
#> 6     9.516245e-05             0.65141857       0.3484863043     0.012975344
#>   Speaking.Intermediate Speaking.Advanced Writing.Novice Writing.Intermediate
#> 1            0.48786390        0.31443641     0.08341378            0.6577616
#> 2            0.71005255        0.01460609     0.83588433            0.1572442
#> 3            0.61901480        0.32603660     0.16053411            0.5409212
#> 4            0.03919352        0.95835632     0.47419086            0.4334946
#> 5            0.88375419        0.02108006     0.05525145            0.6505799
#> 6            0.27726373        0.70976090     0.09513711            0.7480154
#>   Writing.Advanced Reading.Novice Reading.Intermediate Reading.Advanced
#> 1      0.258824587   5.645623e-01           0.43536362     7.412684e-05
#> 2      0.006871484   7.038870e-08           0.06890685     9.310931e-01
#> 3      0.298544705   9.542122e-01           0.04578766     1.103481e-07
#> 4      0.092314564   7.033880e-01           0.29656067     5.129754e-05
#> 5      0.294168621   2.271402e-05           0.52052850     4.794488e-01
#> 6      0.156847462   9.386655e-01           0.06133413     3.301953e-07
#>   mode.Listening mode.Speaking mode.Writing mode.Reading
#> 1         Novice  Intermediate Intermediate       Novice
#> 2         Novice  Intermediate       Novice     Advanced
#> 3   Intermediate  Intermediate Intermediate       Novice
#> 4         Novice      Advanced       Novice       Novice
#> 5   Intermediate  Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
#> 6   Intermediate      Advanced Intermediate       Novice

Using the built-in NetworkTester

Rather than calculating the expected values by hand, the Netica NeticaTester object can be used instead.

This function uses the case file we generated above, but marks certain nodes as targets, whose values will be estimated and the estimated values compared with the actual (simulated) values.

[Note, the network is inferred from the nodes in the list of target variables, proficiencies. In this case, these are the nodes in the motif24 network. However, that doesn’t matter as the extra observables won’t be referenced.]

filestream16 <- CaseFileStream(casefile16,session=sess)
motif16.test <- 
#> Warning in oldstream$open(): Stream is already open: nothing done.
#>           ErrorRate   LogLoss QuadraticLoss     kappa       QWK    lambda
#> Listening     0.160 0.3826550     0.2335446 0.7402665 0.8343082 0.6721311
#> Speaking      0.313 0.6567707     0.4155516 0.4775627 0.6452752 0.3297645
#> Writing       0.397 0.8083365     0.4999925 0.3287138 0.4793781 0.1914460
#> Reading       0.169 0.3554127     0.2212610 0.7331514 0.8367263 0.6750000
#>           LinearLambda
#> Listening    0.6721311
#> Speaking     0.3233405
#> Writing      0.1527495
#> Reading      0.6750000