The RNetica package provides a binding to the Netica(R) API, both RNetica and Netica should be cited when applicable. Netica and Norsys are registerd trademarks of Norsys, LLC, used by permission. Russell G. Almond (20XX), CPTtools: Tools for Creating Conditional Probability Tables, A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {R interface to Netica(R) Bayesian Network Engine}, author = {Russell G. Almond}, year = {?}, journal = {?}, volume = {?}, number = {?}, pages = {?}, sponsors = {Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant "Games as Learning/Assessment: Stealth Assessment" (#0PP1035331, Val Shute, PI) National Science foundation grant "DIP: Game-based Assessment and Support of STEM-related Competencies" (#1628937, Val Shute, PI) The NSF project "Mathematical Learning via Architectual Design and Modeling Using E-Rebuild." (#1720533, Fengfeng Ke, PI)}, } Norsys, LLC. (2012), Netica Application Program Interface, retrieved from A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {Netica Application Program Interface.}, author = {{Norsys, LLC}}, year = {?}, journal = {?}, volume = {?}, number = {?}, pages = {?}, url = {}, } Work on RNetica, CPTtools and Peanut has been sponsored in part by the _Physics Playground_ and _E-Rebuild_ projects, on which many of the tools were tested. _Physics Playground_ development was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant "Games as Learning/Assessment: Stealth Assessment" (#0PP1035331, Val Shute, PI) and the National Science foundation grant "DIP: Game-based Assessment and Support of STEM-related Competencies" (#1628937, Val Shute, PI). The project "Mathematical Learning via Architectual Design and Modeling Using E-Rebuild." (#1720533, Fengfeng Ke, PI) has provided additional support.